In this section:
This error is generated whenever a pointer assignment occurs which will prevent a block of dynamically allocated memory from ever being freed. Normally this happens because the pointer being changed is the only one that still points to the dynamically allocated block.
Code | Description | Enabled | Reported | Platform |
LEAK_ASSIGN | Memory leaked as a result of pointer reassignment | Runtime | Windows/Unix |
The following code allocates a block of memory then reassigns the pointer to the block to a static memory block. As a result, the dynamically allocated block can no longer be freed.
/* * File: leakasgn.c */ #include <stdlib.h> main() { char *b, a[10]; b = (char *)malloc(10); b = a; return (0); }
Diagnosis at Runtime
[leakasgn.c:11] **LEAK_ASSIGN** >> b = a; Memory leaked due to pointer reassignment: b Lost block : 0x0804b018 thru 0x0804b021 (10 bytes) b, allocated at leakasgn.c, 10 malloc() (interface) main() leakasgn.c, 10 Stack trace where the error occurred: main() leakasgn.c, 11
- Line 2: Source file and line at which the problem was detected.
- Line 3: Description of the problem and the expression that is in error.
- Line 4: Description of the block of memory that is about to be lost, including its size and the line number at which it was allocated.
- Line 8: Stack trace showing the function call sequence leading to the error.
In many cases, this problem is caused by simply forgetting to free a previously allocated block of memory when a pointer is reassigned. For example, the leak in the example code can be corrected as follows:
b = (char *)malloc(10); free(b); b = a;
Some applications may be unable to free memory blocks and may not need to worry about their permanent loss. To suppress these error messages, suppress LEAK_ASSIGN