You can integrate Parasoft DTP with an application lifecycle management system, which enables a range of functionality, such as requirements-to-test traceability and the ability to create work items in the ALM system from defects reported in DTP. Features and functionality vary for each ALM system. The following systems are supported.  

CodeBeamer ALM

Integration with CodeBeamer ALM enables the following functionality:

  • Ability to manually create bugs and tasks in codeBeamer ALM in from the Violations Explorer view.  
  • Ability to manually create bugs and tasks in codeBeamer ALM from the Test Explorer view.
  • Ability to send, view, and update Parasoft test results in codeBeamer work items.
  • Traceability from codeBeamer requirements to tests, static analysis results, and code reviews.

See Integrating with CodeBeamer ALM for details.


Integration with Jira enables the following functionality:

  • Ability to manually create a Jira issue from the Violations Explorer view.
  • Ability to manually create a Jira issue from the Test Explorer view.
  • If you are using the Xray plug-in for Jira, you can also send, view, and update Parasoft Test results in Jira.
  • Traceability from Jira requirements to tests, static analysis results, and code reviews. 

See Integrating with Jira for details.

Polarion ALM

Integration with Polarion ALM enables the following functionality:

  • Ability to manually create defects and issues in Polarion ALM from the Violations Explorer view
  • Ability to manually create defects and issues in Polarion ALM from the Test Explorer view.
  • Ability to send, view, and update Parasoft test results in Polarion work items.
  • Traceability from Polarion requirements to tests, static analysis results, and code reviews.

See Integrating with Polarion ALM for details.


Integration with VersionOne enables the following functionality:

  • Ability to manually create defects and issues in VersionOne from the Violations Explorer view
  • Ability to manually create defects and issues in VersionOne from the Test Explorerview.
  • Ability to send, view, and update Parasoft test results in VersionOne.
  • Traceability from VersionOne requirements to tests, static analysis results, and code reviews.

See Integrating with VersionOne for details.

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