You can change the default ports for DTP applications to meet your infrastructure requirements. You should only follow these instructions if the default ports are unavailable. 

Any port changes also affect Team Server, so you should also change Team Server port settings accordingly.

For UNIX, root permission is necessary in order to start the DTP Server on port 80, which is why the default port on Unix is set to 8080.

In this section:

Configuring the Web Server Port

The default port for DTP Server is port 80 for Windows and 8080 for Linux, but you can change the port by editing the server.xml file.

  1. Stop DTP Server services (see Stopping DTP Services).
  2. Open the DTP_INSTALL/tomcat/conf/server.xml file.
  3. Locate the following element and change the value of the port property: 

    <Service name="PST">
    <Connector port="80" 

Configuring the Data Collector Port

DTP can receive data from any software product that supports the data format used by DTP. Data from testing tools is sent to Data Collector, which listens on port 8082 by default. You can change the default port by editing the DCServerConfig.xml file:

  1. Open the DTP_HOME/conf/DCServerConfig.xml file
  2. Locate the following element and change the value:

  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart Data Collector.

Configuring the JMS Events Broker Port

The JMS events broker provides real-time information about events that occur in DTP. The default port is 61617, but you can configure it from administration page:

  1. Choose Report Center Settings from the settings menu (gear icon).
  2. Choose Event Broker from the sidebar menu and click Stop.
  3. Enter a new port number in the Port filed and click Save.
  4. Click Start.

See Subscribing To DTP Events, for more information about using the JMS events broker, including topics currently available for subscription.

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