This slice calculates a "KPI" (METRIC.KPIIF) score by applying predefined weighted rule profiles to a given development project. The weighted rule profiles allow you to define custom sets of rules and apply weights to each rule individually. When this slice is invoked, it counts the number of rule violations for each file in the project; for each rule, it multiplies the violation count by the specified rule weight in the profile. If a rule does not have a defined weight in the profile, the count for that rule is not gathered. The sum of the weighted counts is divided by the logical lines of code (METRIC.NOLLOCIF) in the given file to yield a KPI score. This artifact ships with the Security Compliance Pack for DTP 5.4.0, but is also available in the Parasoft Marketplace as a standalone extension for your DTP environment.
In this section:
- DTP and DTP Enterprise Pack 5.40.
- The code analysis tool must be configured to report the Number of Logical Lines in Files metric (METRIC.NOLLOCIF) to the DTP. The tool must also be configured with the correct filter and build ID. See DTP の概念 for additional information about filter and builds, as well as the code analysis tool for information on how to configure these settings.
- DTP must contain a build with static analysis data. Metrics will be reported to DTP in the latest build with static analysis data.
Added Components
Four example profiles (described below) are added when the KPI slice is installed.
- See アーティファクトのダウンロードとインストール for instructions on downloading the artifact from the marketplace and installing it on your system.
- Choose Import> Library> Process Intelligence> Key Performance Indicator> Key Performance Indicator from the actions menu in Extension Designer to import the artifact into a service.
- Click Deploy.
Upgrade Notes
Uninstall the previous version of the artifact, including models and profiles, if you are upgrading to KPI 2.1.
Starting with 2.1, you can define metric IDs for each profile. Associating profiles with specific metric IDs enables you to view KPIs for multiple metrics without overwriting results.
If you altered the default profile shipped with the previous version or created custom profiles, export the profile(s) and add the following attributes (also see Exporting and Importing Profiles):
- metricId: METRIC.KPIIF
- metircName: KPI in File
If you change the default values, we recommend setting the metric ID prefix to METRIC.KPI.<profile name without spaces>
. Use a concise name for the metric (maximum 30 characters).
The slice uses the KPI model profile type to calculate a KPI score. The profile is determined from the “profile” query parameter sent in the widget request. Several example profiles are installed with the slice and can be viewed in the Model Profile tab.
See モデル プロファイルの使用 for additional information.
The filter ID is passed by the widget as a query parameter. It determines which DTP filter the profile should be computed against. The following example profiles are installed with the distribution to ease the configuration of the model profiles:
All Rules | This profile assigns a weight to all Jtest static analysis rules equal to 100/severity (e.g., severity 1 violations are weighted a value of 100, severity 2 violations are weighted a value of 50, and so on.) |
Recommended Rules | This profile assigns a weight to Jtest static analysis rules that are active in the Recommended Rules test configuration. The weights are calculated in the same fashion as the All Rules profile. |
Flow Analysis | This profile assigns a weight to Jtest static analysis rules that are active in the Flow Analysis test configuration. The weights are mapped in the same fashion as the All Rules profile. |
Invoking the Calculation
The KPI slice is a long running slice. It will only be computed when invoked by a third-party, ideally as part of a nightly job.
- Click on the service category on the Services tab and drill down to the endpoint. You can use the API or direct endpoint path (see Service Category Page for additional information).
- Copy the endpoint and send a REST request to it with the required parameters. Use the API endpoint path if available (see フローの使用 for additional information). The following table describes the required parameters:
filterId | The filter id for the project that the calculations will be performed on. |
profile | Profile name with the rules and weights to use for the calculations. |
buildId | The build id for which the calculations will be performed on. If you would prefer to use the latest unlocked build that has violations data and metrics calculated, you can use latestBuild as the value of this parameter. If no build id is provided, this parameter defaults to latestBuild. |
Example Invocation
You could run the following command to invoke the slice and run the calculation:
curl "http://localhost:8321/slices/a37fbfb6.59b87?filterId=71&profile=All%20Rules&buildId=latestBuild"
If successful, you will receive a response such as the following:
{{success: {title: "KPI", message: "Calculation has successfully started for filter 'Parabank-v3' using profile 'Security Impact'."}}
Use HTTP(S)-compliance Parameters
パラメーターを追加する際は、文字列パラメーターにスペース、プラス (+)、スラッシュ (/)、その他 HTTP(S) プロトコルが許可しない文字を必ず適切にエンコードしてください。
エンコーディング ツール (たとえば を使用すると、規格に準拠するよう適切にパラメーターをエンコードするのに役立ちます。
Viewing the Data in DTP
After computation has completed and the KPI metric has been reported back to DTP, you can add a Metrics widget to your DTP dashboard and choose Key Performance Indicator from the Metric drop-down menu. See ウィジェットの追加 for additional information.
The widget will display the metric according to your specifications.
Click on the widget to view details in the メトリクス エクスプローラー.