If you experience issues with DTP, you can create a support archive package and send it directly to Parasoft technical support for remediation. 

  1. Choose Report Center Settings from the settings (gear icon) drop-down menu.
  2. Choose Report Center Administration from the Additional Settings drop-down menu.
  3. Choose Settings> Support> Technical Support Archive
  4. Select the information you want to send. The following components are available:
    1. Report Center Log files: Files that store logged information from the Report Center module.
    2. Development Testing Platform log files: Includes DTP server log.
    3. Report Center configuration files.
    4. Report Center database activity.
    5. GRS_SYSTEM table data: Report Center configuration stored in the database.
    6. (Optional) You can also choose to encrypt the package by enabling the Encrypt technical support package option, which may be useful if your data is confidential.
  5. If you want to send the support package directoy to Parasoft Technical Support, enable the Send mail option and click Settings to configure an email account. 
  6. Click Save to store settings.
  7. Click Create to create and save the archive package to [DTP_HOME]/grs/grspackage.zip directory on the machine where DTP is installed.
  8. If you enabled the Send mail option, a form is displayed for including a message to send to Parasoft support. Click Send when ready.
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