This report shows how data for one metric is aggregated across the modules in a selected project. It shows a heat map in which larger, darker tiles contain a higher metric value within the project. Conversely, the smaller lighter tiles have lower metric values. The report also represents the data in a table view. You can access the report by clicking on a value in the Metrics Overview widget or by clicking the more... link in the Top 10 Modules - Tree Map widget.

You can perform the following actions:

  • View different aggregations of the data (method- and type-level metrics only): Click on Average, Minimum, Maximum, or Sum to change the heat map view. Changing the aggregation also sorts the table by the selected aggregation. For file-level metrics, only the sum aggregation is available.
  • Click on a tile in the heat map or link in the Module column of the table to open the module in the Metrics Explorer view. See Metrics Explorer.
  • Click on a column header in the table to sort the data (does not change the heat map).
  • No labels