You can review the status of upcoming and historical gates in the Projects page.

In this section:

Policy Indicators

The status of a gate's various policies is indicated by coloring segments of the gate's "donut" image. For example, the following gate indicates the status of 7 associated policies (4 unstable, 1 success, 1 failure, 1 no data):

Each policy's status is indicated as follows:

  • Green (Success): Policy expectations were measured and satisfied. For a policy to succeed, none of its practices can have an error, unstable, no data, or refreshing status.
  • Red (Error): Policy expectations were measured, but not satisfied. If any practice in a policy fails, the entire policy is considered to have failed.
  • Yellow (Unstable): Policy measurements are unstable. For example, the coverage practice may be configured so that average coverage results in "unstable" status (vs. "success" for good coverage and "error" for poor coverage). If any practice in a policy is unstable, the entire policy is considered to be unstable (unless another practice fails, in which case the policy has "error" status).
  • Gray (No Data): Policy was not completely measured. If any practice in a policy is not completely measured, the entire policy is considered to have "no data" status. 
  • Spinning Circle (Refreshing): Policy is still being calculated. If any practice in a policy is still being calculated, the entire policy is considered to have "refreshing" status.

Gate Indicators

The overall gate status is calculated using the following process, and indicated with an icon in the middle of the gate's "donut" image.

Compliance with all Policies

If all policies have a "success" status, the gate status is "success." This is marked with the following icon:

Non-compliance with a Policy

If any policy has "error" status, the gate status is "error." This is marked with the following icon:

Policy Waiting

If any policy is still waiting for processing, the gate status is set to "refreshing." This is marked with a gray spinning circle icon in the middle of the donut:


Policy Unstable

If any policy has "unstable" status, the gate status is "unstable." This is marked with the following icon: 

No Data for Policy

If none of the above conditions apply, the gate status is set to "no data." For example, if some policies succeed and others have "no data" status, the entire gate will be set to "no data" status.  "No data" status is marked with the following icon:  

Exploring Details

To get a per-policy status breakdown, hover over the gate icon.

For additional details, see the policy information provided in the lower portion of the page.

Filtering by Policy Status

By default, the gate details show the status of all associated policies. If you want to hide results for one or more policy status types, use the filter buttons at the top of the gate page.

To show previously-hidden policy types, just toggle the appropriate filter button.

Checking Status for a Different Date

For upcoming gates, the status icons indicate how well the project is satisfying the gate's policies. This helps you determine how much work is required to meet the expectations by the assigned date. You can navigate the timeline in different ways:

  • If you want to view historical data, you can drag the gate to date whose data you want to view.
  • In the timeline, you can zoom in and out of the time horizon, as well as drag it left and right.
  • In the policy details section, click within each box to show or hide details.
  • No labels