In this chapter: 


 This widget requires a DTP Enterprise license. Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information.

Custom widgets with the widgetCategory value set to custom will appear in the Custom widget category. Custom widgets can be created following the widget JSON schema (see Creating Custom Widgets) or downloaded from the Parasoft Marketplace.

Custom Dashboard Settings

Widget ID (defined in JSON file): customWidgetName


Settings are defined in the .json metadata file for the custom widget.


Custom HTML

 This widget requires a DTP Enterprise license. Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information.

This custom widget type sllows you to create your own widget container and embed it as HTML into the dashboard.

Custom Dashboard Settings

Widget ID (defined in JSON file): customHTML


TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard. A widget title is required.
Width / HeightSee About the Dashboard Grid.
HTMLBasic HTML tags, CSS, and JavaScript are supported.

  • No labels