After the test session is finished you need to collect the report.xml file, which contains the pass/fail results and other information about the test. Test results are downloaded from CAM and will be saved to a %REPORTS_DIR%.

You must also collect the coverage.xml file, which contains the coverage information. Coverage results are saved in the %MONITOR_DIR%\runtime_coverage folder by default, but they can also be downloaded using the CAM GUI. Coverage information will be processed in the next step (Publishing Test and Coverage Results to DTP).

By default, DTP displays coverage data for the latest build. It is important to use a consistent build as you process the coverage data. See the DTP Engine documentation for details about setting the build ID to define builds.

  1. Click Download Test Results and provide the necessary information:
    • Project: Calculator
    • Build ID: Calculator-2016-09-25
    • Session Tag: manual Tests
  2. Click Download to download the dynamic coverage collected by Coverage Agent during the testing session. A report.xml file will be save to the %REPORT_DIR% directory.
  3. If report.xml already exists, the operating system will append (number) to the file. Remove the parentheses to ensure that curl can properly upload the file.
  4. Open a command prompt and run the following command to merge the dynamic coverage with the static coverage collected in Setting Up the Coverage Agent Manager

    jtestcli -config "builtin://Calculate Application Coverage" -staticcoverage %MONITOR_DIR%\static_coverage.xml -runtimecoverage %MONITOR_DIR%\runtime_coverage -property -property dtp.project=Calculator -property report.coverage.images="Calculator-All" -report %REPORT_DIR% -property session.tag="Manual Coverage Tests" -property report.dtp.publish=false

    A coverage.xml file is created.

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