In order for new users to be added to the database, you need to create users’ accounts. Additionally, you must grant and manage users' permissions for actions such as searching, editing, and deleting.

  1. Choose Users> Add New.
  2. Enter the new user’s information (login and password are required). By default, user login names are case sensitive (e.g., "JohnSmith", "johnSmith", and "johnsmith" are all different users). You can change user login case sensitivity by setting the <case-sensitive> property in the $DTP_HOME/conf/PSTRootConfig.xml file to false and restarting DTP Server:

  3. This setting affects all functionality related to user names (for example, login procedure, Parasoft Test automated test results, Source Scanner, etc.).

  4. Click Save to create the user and enable the Permissions & Groups options.

  5. Click the Permissions & Groups tab and click the expand all button to review the new user's permissions:

    By default, users are assigned Basic Access, which enables them to log into Development Testing Platform. You can grant users additional permissions commensurate with their role in your organization. See Assigning Native Permissions for additional information.

  6. Assign permissions and click Save.

Adding Users to Projects

Creating users and assigning them permissions and groups does not automatically add them to a project. Users must be added to project teams and the teams added to projects in Report Center project administration. See Creating and Managing Projects for instructions on adding users to teams and adding teams to a project.

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