You should verify that all requirements have been met before you begin installing Development Testing Platform (DTP), migrating from Concerto (4.x) to DTP, or upgrading to a new version of DTP.

Operating System

64-bit versions are required for all platforms. DTP requires 64 bit Java Runtime Environment. The following operating systems are supported.


  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10

You must also install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.


  • Distributions that support Linux 64 bit Java Runtime Environment.
  • A dedicated non-root user account for installing and managing DTP is recommended.
  • A non-root user account is required for installing and managing DTP distributions that include an embedded database server.

Solaris (SPARC only)

  • Solaris 5.10
  • Solaris 5.11
  • A dedicated non-root user account for installing and managing DTP is recommended.


If you are installing DTP on a virtual machine (VM), make sure to allocate enough resources. Running DTP on a physical machine may result in greater performance.

  • Quad core processor (or higher) with 2GHz CPU
  • 8GB memory (10GB recommended if using MySQL). By default, 4GB are allocated to DTP Server and Data Collector.
  • If you are installing MySQL with Development Testing Platform, two hard drive partitions are required, as well as 100GB for the database and 60GB for programs.
  • For heavy usage (more than 100,000 tests per day), you should install the database on a dedicated database server (physical machine) to ensure optimal performance of I/O writes.
  • DTP server cannot be installed on a machine with an underscore ("_") in its name.


Before you begin installation, you should verify that the necessary ports are available:

Default PortDescription
80 (Windows), 8080 (Linux)DTP Server
443 (Windows), 8443 (Linux)SSL Connector
2002License Server
8082Data Collector for Parasoft analysis engines and third-party integrations.
8787Used by the embedded database server shipped with distribution; this port is non-configurable.
18888Team Server
3306Default port used for sending and retrieving MySQL data Report Center and Project Center data.
32323Data Collector for Parasoft 9.x code analysis and testing products.
61617JMS events broker
1883MQTT transport connector
8000Policy Center; access to Policy Center depends on your license. See "Connecting to Policy Center" in the user manual for additional information.

You can customize the Development Testing Platform Server ports as necessary. See Reconfiguring DTP Ports (Optional).


All Development Testing Platform REST APIs, as well as the API Documentation, are exposed over SSL. An SSL port is configured in new DTP installations by default, but if you are migrating from Concerto (prior to version 4.9.4) you must configure the SSL manually. See Enabling SSL for instructions.

If you are currently running Concerto 4.9.4, you should already have configured the SSL.

DTP version 5.1.3 and later ships with Java 1.8.0_102-b14. Since JRE 1.7.0_75, SSLv3 is deactivated by default for security reasons. Per Oracle’s release notes for JRE 1.7.0_75:

"Starting with JDK 7u75 release, the SSLv3 protocol (Secure Socket Layer) has been deactivated and is not available by default. See the propertyjdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property in the <JRE_HOME>/lib/security/ file."

SSLv3 contains a serious security vulnerability and should not be used. The protocol is obsolete across many platforms, including DTP. 

If SSLv3 is required in your environment, you can reactivate the protocol by removing SSLv3 from the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property in the [DTP_HOME]/jre/lib/security/ file. You can also dynamically set the Security property to true before JSSE is initialized. 

Tomcat Server

Development Testing Platform ships with and runs on Tomcat 8. You should only have one instance of Tomcat running on the same machine to avoid conflicts related to port configuration.

If multiple Tomcat configurations are necessary in your infrastructure, you can edit the [DTP_HOME]/tomcat/conf/server.xml file to ensure that servers run on different ports. For example, you may run a Tomcat shutdown on port 8005, and another on port 18005.


DTP can be installed with or without an embedded database server (Windows and Linux only). If you prefer to install the database server separately, make sure it meets the following requirements:

  • MySQL Versions 5.5.x - 5.7. Version 5.6.25 or newer is highly recommended to ensure optimal performance.
  • Beginning with MySQL 5.6, the default binlog_format is STATEMENT, which may cause issues when integrating with external bug tracking systems (BTS), such as Bugzilla or JIRA. To ensure that the BPEL process starts and that the ’Update BTS’ function is available, set binlog_format to ROW or MIXED.
  • A known issue in versions of MySQL prior to 5.6.25 may result in problems when databases hosting large amounts of data are queried (see This issue can cause DTP to wait indefinitely for a query result because no error will be thrown.
  • If you are unable to upgrade to or install MySQL 5.6.25, see the workaround documented in Database Driver Requirements.
  • Oracle 11g or Oracle 12c. The Oracle database should not be installed on the same machine as DTP.

See Installing and Configuring the Database for instructions on installing a MySQL database.

Asynchronous I/O Library

The libaio package, which is included in some Linux distributions, is required if you are using the DTP distribution for Linux that ships with an embedded database server. If the library is not already on your Linux system, install it using the appropriate package manager for your distribution. The following instructions are provided to help you install libaio on several common Linux distributions:

Red Hat and CentOS

sudo yum install libaio


sudo apt-get install libaio1


Install the RPM for the libaio package from the Fedora website at

Minimum Number of Database Connections

The database server should provide at least 150 concurrent connections for DTP. If the database server does not provide sufficient connections, DTP may not be able to create a new connection to the database prior to reaching the maximum number of connections.

JDBC Drivers

The standard DTP distribution installation does not ship with the MySQL and Oracle JDBC drivers necessary to set up a database connection. You will need to download following drivers:

  • MySQL Java Connector, version 5.1.32 or later.
  • Oracle Database JDBC Drivers - Minimum version is 11g Release 2 - Java 1.6 (ojdbc6.jar).

When the installation is complete, place the drivers in the [DTP_HOME]/lib/thirdparty directory.

You do not need to download and install the JDBC drivers if you are installing the DTP distribution that includes an embedded database server. The drivers are packaged with the database server so that you can begin using the database immediately.

MySQL Charset and Collation Settings

The MySQL creation scripts for the DTP and GRS databases use the character set utf8 and collation utf8_general_ci so that UTF-8 characters (e.g., Japanese or Chinese) can be stored in the database. 

The MySQL server character set and collation must also be set to UTF-8 to save UTF-8 characters in the database. We highly recommend that the MySQL server changes are made prior to creating the DTP and GRS databases:

  1. Locate the my.ini (Windows) or my.cnf (Linux) and open it in an editor
  2. In the section under [mysqld], add/edit the following properties:

character-set-server = utf8

collation-server = utf8_general_ci

See the MySQL documentation for more information about server character set configuration:

Oracle Charset and Collation Settings

Oracle recommends setting the target character set to AL32UTF8. See the Oracle Database Migration Assistant for Unicode documentation for instructions:


The latest version of the following browsers are supported:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome

Installation Directory and User Account

You should create a local user with a local home directory when installing Process Intelligence Engine (PIE) and the advanced edition of Policy Center with DTP. This is to enable full integration and avoid potential issues in some environments. The user should have a local home directory, not a network shared directory.

Open File Descriptor Limit

You may run up against a limit imposed on Linux or Solaris platforms on the per-process number of open file descriptors. The limit affects the number of allowable concurrent open connections that DTP can safely support. If many concurrent users will interact with DTP components, such as Report Center Dashboard or REST APIs, you should increase the open file descriptor limit before starting DTP.

Parasoft recommends setting the limit to approximately 100 times the number of concurrent users logged in. For example, if you expect 100 concurrent users, an open file descriptor limit of 10,000 should be sufficient.

Server behavior is inconsistent across operating systems, so you should use discretion when determining the proper limit for your environment. Methods for increasing the limit vary widely for different distributions. Consult your operating system documentation to determine whether it is possible to increase the limit and how to do so.

MySQL Databases

DTP may make many simultaneous requests to the server, which may cause the MySQL server to open many files at the same time to process the requests. As a result, the limit on open file descriptors set by MySQL may be exceeded. Please refer to the MySQL documentation for more information on this issue, including possible resolutions:


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