1. Copy the Calculator.war file from the %WORKING_DIR%\calculator\target\ directory to the %TOMCAT_DIR%\webapps directory.
  2. Copy the downloaded Parasoft cam.war file from the %WORKING_DIR% directory to the %TOMCAT_DIR%\webapps directory.
  3. Open a command window and run C:\Working\CAM\envSetup.bat.
  4. Change to the %TOMCAT_DIR%\bin directory and run the catalina start command to start the Tomcat server. 
  5. Open the following URL in a web browser:
    The Coverage Agent Manager should be running.
  6. Open the following URL in a web browser:
    The Calculator application should be running.
  7. Interact with the application as a sanity check using the Back button of your web browser to return the application after performing a few test calculations.
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