You can view a license summary in several different forms, including a general table view of all license tokens currently in use as well as detailed views of licenses or tokens. You also have the ability to deny a user access to a license they are currently using.

In this section:

License Summary (Table View)

You can view a table summary of all licenses for which there are tokens in use. This table provides an overview of token usage as well as links to detail pages. To view it:

  1. Open the License Server home page.
  2. Choose Licenses > License Summary. The Token Usage Details table opens. Each row represents a token being used for a given license.

The table provides the following information:


Shows the name and version of the tool which has a token currently in use. Click the name to view the License Details page.

UsernameShows the username of the user who currently has a token for the associated license.
Host NameShows the host name of the machine used by the user to get the token.
Host IP AddressShows the IP address of the host machine plus the machine ID of that machine (shown in parenthesis).
Expiration TimeShows when the token is scheduled to expire and be released.
Expires InShows the time remaining until the token expires.

At the end of each column is a link that opens the Token Details page which contains all the information in this table, plus associated license features and a way to deny access to the user who has the token.

You can sort the table by any of the named columns by clicking its header.

License Summary (by License)

You can view a summary for a specific license on the License Details page, which includes information about the license such as features, token usage, reservations, and filters. To view this page:

  1. Open the License Server home page.
  2. Choose Licenses > Tool Licenses and click the name of the tool for which you wish to view the license summary.

Information about the license is sorted by section on the License Details page. Click on a section name to expand or collapse it.

License Summary (by Token)

You can view detailed information about a token, including its associated license features, on the Token Details page. This is also where you can deny the user who currently has the token access to it. To view this page:

  1. Open the License Server home page.
  2. Choose Licenses > License Summary to view the License Summary table.
  3. Find the desired license in the License Summary table and click the Token details link in the last column.
    • You can also reach this page from the License Details page: click the Token details link in the table found under Token Usage Details.

Deny Access

You can prevent a user who currently has a token from obtaining another one in the future on the Token Details page (for more ways to grant or deny access to license tokens, see Filtering License Access). This is not a global denial; it is specific to the current license (as shown under Token Details) and the user will be able to get a token from a different license (provided they have not been denied access to it, as well). To do so:

  1. Open the Token Details page as described above.
  2. Click Deny Access.
  3. Click Confirm when prompted.
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