There may be times when you want to grant an automation process user access to DTP so that it can upload reports, create projects, or delete builds, but you don't want to provide it with full administrator permissions. Below are a few use cases with the permissions you would use to set up an automation user for each. These use cases build on the basics of creating a user outlined in Basic User Management and Configuring User Permissions and Groups.

Use Case 1: Run Parasoft Tool and Upload Report to DTP - All Projects

In this use case, you would want a user who could upload reports from a Parasoft tool like Jtest, dotTEST, or C++test to any DTP project and, if that project did not exist yet, to be able to create it.

Create your automation user in User Administration (see Basic User Management) and assign the following permissions (see Configuring User Permissions and Groups):

  • createProject: set value to true
  • uploadReport: set regex value to .*

This user will be able to upload reports to all projects. If project does not exist yet, it will be created automatically.

Note that the ability to create new projects can be disabled by a global setting. See Configuring Data Collector.

Use Case 2: Run Parasoft Tool and Upload Report to DTP - Specific Projects

In this use case, you would want a user who could upload reports from a Parasoft tool like Jtest, dotTEST, or C++test to specific projects only.

Create your automation user in User Administration (see Basic User Management) and assign the following permission (see Configuring User Permissions and Groups):

  • uploadReport: set value set to the name(s) of the desired project(s)

This user will be able to upload reports to the specified projects, which must already exist. If the project does not exist, it will not be created.

Use Case 3: Delete builds - Specific Projects

In this use case, you would want a user who can delete builds associated with certain projects.

Create your automation user in User Administration (see Basic User Management) and assign the following permission (see Configuring User Permissions and Groups):

  • deleteBuild: set value set to the name(s) of the desired project(s)

This user will be able to delete builds associated with the specified projects.

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