In this section:

Searching for Violations

Violations stored in DTP are searchable by several parameters. Use the search area to home in on specific types of violations. You can change the criteria in the search area to find violations throughout your development projects.

Click Change Search to open the search dialog and configure your search criteria. The following search criteria are available: 



A filter and build ID are the minimum criteria for searching violations. By default, the latest build is selected when you change the filter, but you can choose a different build from the menu. The build selected functions as a target build when a baseline build is selected. See the following sections for additional information:

Baseline Build


A baseline build is any historical build used for comparison with another build. Choose a baseline build from the menu to search for violations reported from the baseline build to the build selected with the filter.

You can search for new, fixed, or existing violations by choosing a state from the State menu.

SeverityYou can search by one or more severity levels. Severity is determined by the test configuration. You can customize the severity level associated with a rule by creating a rule map. See Configuring Code Analysis Rules for additional information.
PriorityYou can search by one or more assigned priorities. Priorities can be customized through the REST API.
AuthorYou can search by one or more code authors. Authorship is determined from the settings in the code analysis tool.
AssigneeYou can search by one or more assignees.
ActionYou can search by one or more assigned actions. Actions can be customized through the REST API.
TypeYou can search for regular violations, suppressed violations, or all violations.
Resource Groups

A resource group is a collection of resources (files and/or folders) defined by a set of one or more Ant-style file patterns. You can search by one or more resource groups. For more information about resource groups, see Adding Resource Groups to Projects.

Include File Pattern

Exclude File Pattern

You can specify Ant-style patterns to narrow or broaden the scope of your search. See Using File Patterns in DTP for more information about configuring file patterns.
Risk/ImpactYou can search by one or more risk/impact values. Risk/impact is the extent to which a violation impacts the business. Risk/impact can be customized through the REST API.
Reference NumberYou can constrict your search to a specific reference number. Reference numbers can be added manually or automated through the REST API.
CategoryYou can search by one or more static analysis categories. Static analysis rules are organized into categories, but you can define or remap rules and categories by creating a rule map. See Configuring Code Analysis Rules for additional information.
ModuleYou can search by one or more specific modules.
RuleYou can search by one or more code analysis rules enabled in the test configuration.
LimitYou can set a limit for the number of violations shown in the Violations Explorer.

Click on a violation in the search results table to view the violation as it exists in the code.

You can configure DTP to display sources from source control or sources sent by connected Parasoft tools during code analysis and test execution. See Configuring Source Code Views for additional information on how sources are displayed in DTP.

Viewing Search Results

The search results panel returns any violations found according to the search parameters.

Click on a violation to view the content of the source file, details about the violation, and enable actions for remediation. When you make a selection in the violations table, the file name and the component that opened the file appear in the code panel.

You can also use the sorting mechanisms and customize the table to refine your view of the violation data. See Navigating Explorer Views for details.

By default, the maximum number of violations shown is 1000. You can change the limit by adding the &limit=[number] parameter to the URL. For example, the following URL would allow you to see up to 2000 violations:


You can set the limit parameter to any value, but changing the maximum number of violations shown to a large value may affect the performance of the Violation Explorer.

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