In this section:


If the External System Traceability Report has been deployed to your system (see Configuring Parasoft to Azure DevOps Traceability), you can add widgets to your dashboard to monitor traceability from Azure DevOps requirements to Parasoft DTP tests, static analysis, code reviews for your project. The widgets also drill down to a report that includes additional details.

Adding and Configuring the Widgets

The widgets will appear in a separate Traceability category when adding widgets to your DTP dashboard. See Adding Widgets for general instructions on adding widgets.

You can configure the following settings:

TitleYou can enter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the menu. See Configuring Filters for additional information about filters.
Target BuildThis should be set to the build ID you executed the tests and code analysis under. You can use the build specified in the dashboard settings, the latest build, or a specific build from the menu. Also see Configuring Dashboard Settings.
Azure DevOps ProjectChoose an Azure DevOps project from the menu.
WIQL Query

(Optional) When this parameter is not defined, the widget shows work items from Azure Devops projects whose type matches one of those defined by the azuredevops.workItemType.requirements property in the settings file (by default, this is work items whose type is either Product Backlog Item, User Story, or Requirement). See Configuring Integration with Azure DevOps for more information.

When this parameter is set, it overrides the default settings in the file and the widget shows work items from the designated Azure DevOps project that meet the specified WIQL search criteria instead.

Example: to display only items of type "Requirement" with an "Open" status and belonging to the "Sandbox\team2" team and "Sprint 2" iteration, enter the following WIQL:

[System.WorkItemType] IN ('Requirement') AND [System.AreaPath] UNDER 'Sandbox\team2' AND [System.State] = 'New' AND [System.IterationPath] = 'Sandbox\Sprint 2'

Requirements Widget

This widget shows the number of requirements from the specified Azure DevOps project.

Click on the widget to open the Requirement Traceability report.

Test Coverage Widget

This widget shows the percentage of requirements covered by tests against all requirements in the project.

Click the center of the widget to open the main Requirement Traceability report.

The colored-in segment represents the requirements covered by tests. Click on the segment to open the Requirement Traceability report filtered to the With Tests category.

Pie Widget

Unit testing, functional testing, static analysis, and peer reviews are common activities for verifying that requirements have been properly and thoroughly implemented. This widget shows the overall status of the project requirements in the context of those software quality activities. You can add a widget for each type of quality activity (tests, static analysis violations, reviews) to monitor the progress of requirements implementation for the project.

Mouse over a section of the chart to view details about quality activity type status. Click on the widget to open the Requirement Traceability report filtered by the selected type.

Requirements Implementation Status by Tests

Requirements Implementation Status by Violations

Requirements Implementation by Reviews

Understanding the Requirement Traceability Report

The report lists the Azure DevOps requirements and Parasoft DTP tests associated with them.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Disable or enable the Show files/reviews option if you want to hide the Files and Reviews columns in the report. The Files and Reviews columns will only contain data if the requirements have been mapped to source files files (see Configuring Parasoft to Azure DevOps Traceability. Disabling the Files and Reviews columns on this screen hides the related tabs in the Requirement Details report.
  • Click on a link in the Key column to view the requirement in Azure DevOps.
  • Click on a link in the Summary column or one of the Test columns to view the test-related information associated with the requirement in the Azure DevOps Requirement Details Report.
  • Click on a link in one of the Files columns to view the static analysis-related information associated with the requirement in the Azure DevOps Requirement Details Report.
  • Click on a link in one of the Reviews columns to view the change review-related information associated with the requirement in the Azure DevOps Requirement Details Report.

Requirement Traceability Report by Type

Clicking on a section of the Azure DevOps Requirements - Pie widget opens a version of the report that includes only the quality activity type selected in the widget. You can use the menus to switch type and status. You can also disable or enable the Show files/reviews option if you want to hide the Files and Reviews columns in the report. The Files and Reviews columns will only contain data if the requirements have been mapped to source files (see Configuring Parasoft to Azure DevOps Traceability). Disabling the Files and Reviews columns on this screen hides the related tabs in the Requirement Details report.  

Understanding the Requirement Details Report

The Azure DevOps Requirement Details report provides additional information about the files, static analysis findings, and tests associated with a specific Azure DevOps requirement. You can open this report by clicking on a requirement in the Azure DevOps Requirement Traceability report.

The first tab shows the results of the tests that were executed to verify the specific work item.

You can click on the View results in Test Explorer link to view all of the tests associated with the work item in the Test Explorer. 

You can also click on individual test names in the table to view each test in the Test Explorer.

The second tab shows the files associated with the specific requirement, as well as the static analysis violation detected in the files. You can click the link the Violations column to view the violations in the Violations Explorer, which provides additional details about the violations.

This tab will only contain data if the requirements have been mapped to source files (see Configuring Parasoft to Azure DevOps Traceability). If you did not map requirements to files, you can hide this tab by disabling the Show files/reviews option on the main traceability report page and reloading the details report.

If the files include any change reviews or review findings, they will be shown in the third tab with links to view them in the Change Explorer

This tab will only contain data if the requirements have been mapped to source files (see Configuring Parasoft to Azure DevOps Traceability). If you did not map requirements to files, you can hide this tab by disabling the Show files/reviews option on the main traceability report page and reloading the details report.

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