The configuration is performed by the Parasoft administrator and only needs to be set up once.

In this section:

Connecting DTP to Codebeamer ALM Server

  1. Choose Report Center Settings from the settings (gear icon) menu.
  2. Choose External System, click Edit Settings, and choose codeBeamer from the System type menu.
  3. Enable the Enabled option.
  4. Enter a name for your instance of Codebeamer ALM in the Name field. The name is required but does not affect the connection settings or render in any other interfaces.
  5. Enter the URL for the Codebeamer server in the Application URL field. The URL should include the protocol, host, and port number. Do not include paths or parameters.
  6. The Display URL field defines the URL which is displayed in Parasoft DTP pages when links to your Codebeamer system are presented in a web browser. Typically, this should be the same as the above Application URL field. However, it might be different, for example, when you work in a reverse proxy environment and links to Codebeamer from the user's local web browser with Parasoft DTP are different than from the Parasoft DTP server. 
  7. Enter login credentials in the Username and Password/API token fields. The login must have sufficient privileges to create issues in the Codebeamer projects specified in the Project Associations section.
  8. Click Test Connection to verify your settings and click Confirm.

Associating Parasoft Projects with Codebeamer ALM Projects

Associating a Parasoft project with a Codebeamer project enables you to create defects from the Violations or Test Explorer views that are linked to the correct project in Codebeamer. The association is also important when using the Sending Test Data to External System flowYou can associate multiple projects in DTP with a project in Codebeamer, but you cannot associate the same DTP project with more than one Codebeamer project.

  1. Click Create Project Association and choose a project from the DTP Project menu in the overlay. 
  2. Enter the name of a Codebeamer project in the External Project field and click Create to save the association.

Click the trash icon to remove a project association. Deleting the project association does not remove links from DTP explorer views to defects in Codebeamer. If an association is deleted and recreated later, existing links between violations and Codebeamer issues will be reactivated. 

You can reconfigure an existing association between DTP and Codebeamer projects:

  1. Click the pencil icon and choose either a different DTP project from the menu or specify the name of a different Codebeamer project in the External Project field.
  2. Click Save

Advanced Configuration

You can modify the configuration file located in the <DTP_DATA_DIR>/conf directory to change the default behavior of the integration. DTP's out-of-the-box integration with Codebeamer is configured to use default or commonly used fields and work item types. If you customized your Codebeamer system, however, then you can configure the settings detailed below to align data in DTP with your custom configuration.

Please note that is expected to use ISO 8859-1 (Latin1) character encoding. Any character not supported by ISO 8859-1 must be represented in keys and elements using Unicode escape sequences, which is to say a backslash (\) and a lowercase u, followed by the four-digit hexadecimal code for the character. For example, the "En Dash" (–) character (not to be confused with the "Hyphen-Minus" character (-)) is not supported by ISO 8859-1, so it must be represented by its Unicode escape sequence \u2013. As a result, something like – Bar would need to be entered as \u2013 Bar.


Specifies a path prefix to the REST API published by your Codebeamer. In newer versions of Codebeamer, the default API path prefix is usually /rest, but older versions used other default paths like /cb/rest.




Specifies the URL template for linking work items created in the DTP Violation Explorer and Test Explorer to work items in Codebeamer.




Specifies the maximum number of test case results sent to Codebeamer in a single run.




Specifies the name of a tracker in Codebeamer that contain requirements. This enables you to associate a custom requirements tracker you may have configured in Codebeamer with test results in DTP. The configured tracker also determines which requirements are presented on Traceability report.


codeBeamer.tracker.requirements=System Requirement Specifications 

"Information" and "Folder" requirement types are ignored in DTP reports. 

Note: This setting is global by default, but it can be used for specific Codebeamer projects by appending the Codebeamer project name to the end of the setting. In cases where the project name contains a space, use the character sequence \u0020 in place of the space, as shown in the second example below.

codeBeamer.tracker.requirements.Project1=Project1 Requirements

codeBeamer.tracker.requirements.Project\u00201=Project 1 Requirements

In the examples above, "Project1" and "Project 1" are the Codebeamer project names, so those settings would only apply to those Codebeamer projects. Multiple project-specific versions of this setting can be defined using different names. Project-specific settings take precedence over global settings.


Specifies the name of trackers in Codebeamer that contain test cases which you would like to associate with test results in Parasoft DTP. Separate multiple test trackers with a semi-colon ( ; ).


codeBeamer.tracker.tests=Test Cases


codeBeamer.tracker.tests=Test Cases;Integration Tests

This setting is used to search for test cases in Codebeamer by the following Parasoft DTP functionality:

    • Sending test results from DTP to Codebeamer using /syncTestCases API.
      • Searches for existing test definitions in Codebeamer are based on @test T_ID defined in Parasoft tools. When T_ID is not found, it is ignored.
      • Searches for existing test definitions are related to requirements (found by Parasoft @req) in Codebeamer.
        • Note: When /syncTestCases API does not find a specific Parasoft test definition (corresponding to Parasoft test annotated with @req) in Codebeamer, it creates a new test definition in Codebeamer. It will create this test definition in the first test tracker defined in the codeBeamer.tracker.tests list.
    • Providing requirements and tests hierarchy to be presented in “Requirements View” in C/C++test.

Note: This setting is global by default, but it can be used for specific Codebeamer projects by appending the Codebeamer project name to the end of the setting. In cases where the project name contains a space, use the character sequence \u0020 in place of the space, as shown in the second example below.

codeBeamer.tracker.tests.Project1=Project1 Test Cases

codeBeamer.tracker.tests.Project\u00201=Project 1 Test Cases

In the examples above, "Project1" and "Project 1" are the Codebeamer project names, so those settings would only apply to those Codebeamer projects. Multiple project-specific versions of this setting can be defined using different names. Project-specific settings take precedence over global settings.

Note about Codebeamer configuration:

When a Parasoft test is annotated with @req, it creates an equivalent test case in Codebeamer and a Verifies relationship between test case and requirement is created. To ensure it works correctly, make sure that the "Verifies" option is enabled for the test cases and requirements trackers in your Codebeamer configuration.


Specifies the name of test run trackers in Codebeamer where DTP should create test runs when sending test results to Codebeamer. This setting is used when sending test results from DTP to Codebeamer using the /syncTestCases API.

Typical use case: Single Test Run Tracker

In most cases, there is only one test run tracker in Codebeamer and you can leave this setting is empty. This is the default. When this setting is empty, DTP creates test runs in the first (and in this case, the only) test run tracker in Codebeamer.

Advanced use case: Multiple Test Run Trackers

If your Codebeamer projects contains multiple test run trackers into which you want to insert test runs from DTP, you can define them in this setting. Separate multiple test run trackers with a semi-colon ( ; ).



When you define multiple test run trackers, it is possible to specify a mapping between Codebeamer test case trackers (see codeBeamer.tracker.tests above) and test run trackers in a given project and control where the test runs will be created. For example, let's say you configure the following settings:



In that situation, when DTP executes the /sendTestCases API and for a specific test case in DTP it finds a test case in Codebeamer (for example, TCT1), its test run will be created in the corresponding test run tracker (in this case, TRT1). The mapping is based on the respective position of the settings, so in our example TCT2 would map to TRT2 and TCT3 would map to TRT3.

If DTP were to find a test case in Codebeamer defined in TCT4, since there is no TRT4 tracker configured in DTP (or if it is configured in DTP, but TRT4 does not exist in Codebeamer), the test run will be created in TRT1 (since it's the first item in the configured test run tracker list).

Note: This setting is global by default, but it can be used for specific Codebeamer projects by appending the Codebeamer project name to the end of the setting. In cases where the project name contains a space, use the character sequence \u0020 in place of the space, as shown in the second example below.

codeBeamer.tracker.testRuns.Project1=Project1 Test Case Runs

codeBeamer.tracker.testRuns.Project\u00201=Project 1 Test Case Runs

In the examples above, "Project1" and "Project 1" are the Codebeamer project names, so those settings would only apply to those Codebeamer projects. Multiple project-specific versions of this setting can be defined using different names. Project-specific settings take precedence over global settings.


Specifies the status of bugs that are created in Codebeamer when creating work items in the DTP Violations Explorer and Test Explorer views.

Default: Open 


Specifies the type of work item to create in Codebeamer when creating new bugs from the DTP Violation Explorer and Test Explorer. This enables you to associate custom bug trackers you may have configured in Codebeamer with work items created from DTP. 

By default, the property is not set. As a result, bug work items created in DTP are associated with bug work items in Codebeamer.


Specifies the status of tasks that are created in Codebeamer when creating work items in the DTP Violations Explorer and Test Explorer views.

Default: Open 

codeBeamer.workItemType.taskSpecifies the type of work item to create in Codebeamer when creating new tasks from the DTP Violation Explorer and Test Explorer. This enables you to associate custom task trackers you may have configured in Codebeamer with work items created from DTP. 

By default, the property is not set. As a result, task work items created in DTP are associated with task work items in Codebeamer.

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