You can add an existing team to your project or create a new team. Teams are groups of one or more individual users. Team members can view project data, but team leaders have additional permissions, such as prioritizing violations. Only team members, leaders, and DTP administrators can publish code analysis and test results to projects.

See User Administration for additional information about users, teams, and permissions.

In this section:

Adding an Existing Team

  1. Choose Report Center Settings from the settings (gear icon) menu.
  2. Click Projects in the Administration tab and click on a project. 
  3. In the Teams section, enter the name of an existing team in the search bar and click Add Team or click Add Team with an empty search bar to view all available teams.
  4. In the search results, click the + icon to assign the team to the project and click Confirm.
  5. You can click the - icon to remove the team or click Edit Group in the Members or Leaders column to modify the team. See Modifying Teams.

Creating a New Team

  1. Click Create Team and specify a team name in the overlay. 
  2. Click Confirm.
  3. Add team members and a leader (see Modifying Teams).

Modifying Teams

You can add existing users to a team as members or team leaders.

  1. Click Edit Group in the Members or Leaders column. Project leaders have additional permissions. See Team Membership for details.

  2. Enter the username of an existing user and click Add.
  3. You can remove the user from the team by clicking the X icon.
  4. Click Confirm when finished. 

Team Membership

Teams have one or more members and/or one or more leaders. Two groups are created in the User Administration module when you create a team from the project creation screen:

  • A team group that grants members a limited set of permissions 
  • A leader group that grants members additional permissions

Team members are granted the following permissions:

  • grs prioritizeOwner <PROJECT> 
  • grs project <PROJECT>  
  • grs viewSourceCode <PROJECT> 

Team leaders are granted the grs prioritizeAll <PROJECT> permission, as well as a set of permissions that can only be granted through the project creation screen. Team leaders also inherit the following permissions:

  • grs prioritizeOwner <PROJECT> 
  • grs project <PROJECT> 
  • grs viewSourceCode <PROJECT> 

See User Administration Overview for details about specific permissions.

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