This feature is currently in public beta.

You can generate a report containing the results of static analysis for your project based on a configured filter. Typical use cases for generating verification evidence include:

  • Internal audit – your Quality or Compliance team asks for evidence of your testing
  • Submission to FDA – you need to generate verification evidence to include in your Design History File
  • Submission to third-party organization to certify your software (for example, TUV SUD) – you need to generate verification evidence as part of the certification process

To generate verification evidence:

  1. Navigate to the desired dashboard.
  2. (Optional) Set the filter and target build you want to report on.
  3. Click the Generate Evidence button.

    The Verification Evidence report will open on a new tab.
  4. Review the data contained in the report. To download the report as a PDF, click the Download PDF link.

Note that the number of runs, violation details, files analyzed, and rules used that can be displayed in either version of the report is limited. In the preview report this limit is 1000 results and in the downloadable PDF it is 40,000. This is only a display limit; the full results are used in the analysis.

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