The features and functionality described on this page have been deprecated.

Team Server is a component that enables centralized administration and the sharing of artifacts across the team.

In this section:

Accessing Team Server

Choose Team Server from the DTP settings (gear icon) menu to open the Team Server configuration page.

Team Server Home Screen

The Team Server home screen links directly to screens that show data storage information and access statistics, as well as the named accounts management screen.

  • Click the Data Storage link to review the contents of Team Server. Refer to Data Storage for details.
  • Click the Access Statistics link to view the Team Server access log. The log includes information about requests made to Team Server from a 9.x version of a connected Parasoft code analysis and test execution tool. Refer to Accessing Statistics for details.
  • Click the Named Accounts link to access the Named Accounts configuration screen. By default, all team members are added to Team Server and are assigned read-only privilege to data in the Team Server repository. The Named Accounts Configuration page enables you to restrict or limit access to Team Server data to team members as necessary. Refer to Configuring Named Accounts for details.

General Tab

The General tab includes the following screens.

Service Deployment

Choose Service Deployment from the General menu to view the services available on Team Server. 

By default, Team Server and associated services are enabled and available, but you can click the [Disable] link to prevent connected connected Parasoft code analysis and test execution tools from using Team Server. Disabling access to Team Server services, however, does not turn off the port used by Team Server (port 18888). Refer to Disabling the Team Server Port for instructions on how to disable the default Team Server port. 

Click the [Show services] link to view the available services and access the WSDL service definition files.

Parasoft License

Choose Parasoft License from the General tab to open the DTP license Configuration page. See Opening and Licensing DTP for additional information.

Named Account

Choose Named Account  from the General tab to access the Named Accounts configuration screen. Refer to Configuring Named Accounts for details.

Cleaning Configuration

Choose Cleaning Configuration  from the General tab to access the Cleaning Configuration screen. Refer to Deleting Reports for details.

Logging Out

Choose Logout from the General tab to log out of DTP.

Management Tab

The Management tab includes the following screens.

Access Statistics

Choose Access Statistics from the Management tab to view the Team Server access log. Refer to Accessing Statistics for details.

Data Storage

Choose Data Storage from the Management tab to review the contents of Team Server. Refer to Data Storage for details.


Choose Plugins from the Management tab to open the Plug-ins Management screen, which enables you to install/uninstall plugins, access plugin interfaces, and view historical information. Refer to Managing Plug-ins for details.

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