This topic describes opening DTP for the first time and setting the license. In this section:

Setting the Initial License

You must license DTP after installation. You will be prompted to set the license before you can use DTP functionality.

  1. Open a Web browser and enter http://hostname in the address bar to access the authorization page (http://hostname:8080/ for Linux installations).

    If you cannot see the Authorization page, it might indicate that port 80 on Windows or 8080 on Linux is being used by another application. If this is the case, you should reconfigure the server port. See Reconfiguring DTP Ports. After re-configuring the port, return to the authorization page and resume installation with the following steps.
  2. Enter admin in the User and Password fields and click Log in; you will be directed to the License Configuration page.

    End User License Agreement

    When Parasoft DTP is installed on the server and the administrator enters DTP web pages for the first time, they will be asked to accept Parasoft's End User License Agreement (EULA). 

    Change the default administrator password

    For security purposes, you should change the default administrator password (admin). See the User Administration for information on editing user profiles.


  3. Enter the License code that you received from your Parasoft representative and click Set LicenseIf you do not have the license code, Contact your Parasoft representative if you do not have a license code and provide your Machine Id. 

You will be directed to the first enabled component. Components are automatically enabled based on the license configuration.

Accessing the License Configuration Screen

You can return to the DTP License Configuration screen if, for example, a new DTP license has been issued.

  1. Choose Report Center Settings from the settings menu (gear icon).
  2. Choose Parasoft DTP License from the Additional Settings menu.
  3. Click Configure your license accordingly.

License Server v2 (beta)

Starting with DTP 2021.1, a beta version of the License Server module is included with DTP. Parasoft tools version 2021.1 and later, which are configured to use v2 licenses, can obtain v2 licenses from License Server.  If you are deploying DTP in a docker container, you may be interested in using v2 licenses.  Contact your Parasoft representative for more information.  See License Server Usage for details about adding the v2 license for the beta version of License Server.

Enabling a HASP Key License

Parasoft products are licensed per a unique machine identifier called a machine ID. DTP supports licensing via USB HASP key, which enables DTP to generate the same machine ID for Parasoft systems connected to DTP while the key is plugged in. Contact your Parasoft representative for more information on HASP key licensing.

Support for USB HASP keys is available on Windows and Linux.

Enabling a HASP Key License for Windows

  1. Stop DTP Server and Data Collector services (see Stopping DTP Services).
  2. Open the variable file (no extension) located in the [DTP_HOME]/bin directory in an editor.
  3. In the DTP_JAVA_OPTS and DC_JAVA_OPTS variables, change the -DuseExternalLock flag from false to true.
  4. Insert the USB HASP key and wait for the operating system to install the drivers; the LED on the HASP key flashes during installation.
  5. After the drivers have been installed, Start DTP and Data Collector services.
  6. Add the new license; see License Server.

Enabling a HASP Key License for Linux

  1. Run located in the [DTP_HOME]/bin directory.
  2. Use the console to stop DTP Server and Data Collector services (see Stopping DTP Services).
  3. Open the variable file (no extension) also located in the [DTP_HOME]/bin directory in an editor.
  4. In the ENABLE_EXTERNAL_LOCK variable, change the -DuseExternalLock flag from false to true.
  5. You must also change how Linux handles the USB HASP key hardware. By default, USB devices have 66* permission, but the USB HASP key requires 666 permission.
    1. Locate the udev.rules file for your distribution. This file is responsible for USB devices.
    2. Modify the usb_device entry to use MODE="0666"
    3. Execute the following command: udevadm control --reload-rules
  6. Plug the USB HASP Key into the machine; if the key is already plugged in, run following command as root user to programmatically insert key: udevadm trigger
  7. Start DTP services from the DTP console.
  8. Add the new license; see Managing Licenses.

Next Steps

After installing and licensing DTP, you may be directed to the database creation page. See Configuring the Database Connection for instructions on how to proceed.

If you installed the DTP distribution that includes an embedded database server (Windows and Linux only), you can begin working with DTP immediately. 

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