Choose Management > Licenses Summary from the License Server home page to access the Tokens Usage Details and Licenses Usage Details reports. This report displays information about the number of used tokens (license or license feature). You can also view the token status.

Click View for an active session to view token details for a specific tool:

On the Token Details page, all of the available license features are listed. The features currently being used are highlighted in green. If the token session is expired, clicking View will redirect you to the License Server homepage.

Licenses Usage Details

The Licenses Usage Details section shows links to Feature Token Usage Summary pages for the available licenses and token usage information per tool.

Token usage information is divided into categories based on the percentage of tokens available. The colors indicate the percentages as follows:

  • Blue: Unlimited tokens are available.
  • Green: 20% to 100% of tokens are available.
  • Dark Yellow: 0% to 20% of tokens are available.
  • Red: No tokens are available for the current license.
  • Black: Reserved tokens.

When licenses are upgraded, tokens can be applied to either the new version of the tool or to the previous version. The number of licenses that can be used at any one time, however, remains constant. For example, if five licenses of a tool were purchased and then you upgraded to a new version, License Server will still only allow five licenses. You can use tokens across versions. 

If you want to view more detailed information about token usage for a particular license, click the link to that license. These usage details are displayed in colors to indicate the following:

  • Black: Token is valid and will be granted as long as it is being used and needed.
  • Violet: Token is currently in use, but will be re-validated when the tool requests license for further use.
  • No labels