In this release:

Release date: April 16, 2020

AI/ML for Prioritizing Static Analysis Findings

This release introduces a new AI/machine learning capability for teaching DTP how to recognize code analysis violations that should be fixed. This accelerates the violation remediation process by enabling DTP to predict which violations should be fixed first as new code analysis data is reported. This feature analyzes violations that have been classified as Fix and Suppress and builds a predictive model based on patterns it detects. After the model has been built, DTP will predict which violations in the build should be assigned the Fix action. The model gradually improves as you continue to review violations and assign them actions. 

DTP Installer

The DTP installation now consists of two main directories:

  • the application directory that contains binaries, the web server, and other files,
  • and a data directory that contains configuration files and data reported to DTP from connected test execution and code analysis tools.

This structure enables you to deploy DTP into containers, such as Docker. New licenses must be issued for new container images or instances in order to deploy DTP or standalone instances of License Server into containerized systems.

Integration with Work Item Management Systems

CollabNet TeamForge is now supported as part of DTP's integration with agile planning and requirements management systems. The integration enables you to create work items directly in TeamForge from the DTP Violation and Test Explorer views, as well as establish traceability between tests executions tracked in DTP and associated work items.  

The work item management system integrations also support new properties for controlling how work items created from DTP interfaces are created in external systems. The new properties enable you to map code analysis and test results tracked in DTP to custom work item types in your system of record.  

The integration extension also includes a new Test Coverage widget that shows the percentage of work items being tested.

Additionally, the integration for codeBeamer now includes the ability to synchronize with multiple trackers.

Security Compliance Pack Updates

The CWE Compliance artifact now supports static analysis reports from C/C++test. The following implementations are supported for C/C++test:

  • CWE Top 25
  • CWE Top 25 + On the Cusp 

Additionally, the CWE Compliance artifact for Jtest and dotTEST now support CWE List Version 4.0.

Refer to the documentation for your Parasoft tool for details about updates to the static analysis module.  

Updated Traceability Report

The traceability reports shipped with the Security and Automotive Compliance packs have been updated. You can now filter out the files and reviews from the report, as well as modification history when viewing the Deviation Report drill-down from the main report. 

Build Details Retention for Projects

You can now specify how many build's worth of data to retain in the database per DTP project. This enables you to customize how to proportion DTP disk space. 


You can now aggregate the data from several projects into a portfolio, which enables high-level views of static analysis or test statistics in a single interface. In order to support portfolios, the following widgets have also been added:

  • Portfolio - Violation Statistics: This widget shows the number of violations for each project filter in your portfolio.
  • Portfolio - Test StatisticsThis widget shows the test statistics for the filters in the specified portfolio.

Support for Context Paths

DTP now supports context paths for reverse proxy environments. This enables you to make DTP applications accessible through a single port on different context paths.

Updated Versioning Scheme

All Parasoft products, including DTP, now follow a new versioning scheme: YYYY.release

Additional Updates

  • Support for Windows Server 2012 has ended.
  • Support for Windows 7 has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
  • The Tomcat web server running DTP applications has been upgraded to 9.0.33
  • Default number of builds to retain for metrics data has been changed to 10 from 8. 
  • The  Data Collector backup API endpoints have been removed. As a result of the changes to the DTP installer, the endpoints are no longer necessary.
  • You can now update test configurations using the REST API
  • A new permission control was added to the User Administration module that allows non-admin team members to edit test configurations

FRs and PRs

The following FRs and PRs were resolved in this release.

DTP-11055Cosmetic modifications to Portfolio - Test Statistics widget
DTP-11054Ability to customize which columns show up in the Portfolio Quality Status widget
DTP-10758DTP Filter UI Page returns API ERROR
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