This topic explains how to configure the contents of the report.


 dotTEST ships with a wide range of settings that allow you to create highly customized reports. Typically, report settings do not affect what findings are included in the report, but they allow you to specify how the results are presented. One exception is the settings that restrict results included in the report to new findings reported during current analysis (see Configuring a Reference Report File).

See Report Settings for a complete list of available report settings.

Configuring a Reference Report File

You can configure a reference report file that will be used as a baseline when performing analysis with dotTEST. This allows you to exclude pre-existing findings from the current report in order to focus on most recently detected code defects.

Configure the following settings to exclude existing findings form the current report:

  •[PATH or URL] – Specifies the path or ULR to a reference report.xml file.
  • – Enables excluding existing findings from the current report.

  • No labels