In this section:

General Source Control Settings


This setting specifies the timeout value for operations with source control.

Acceptable Values

[secods]The timeout for operations with your source control system. The default value is 60.


This setting specifies a custom name for the tested branch. This setting may be used to describe unique runs. If it is not specified, the tested branch is detected automatically based on code provided for analysis.

Acceptable Values

[name]The name of the tested branch.

Git Source Control Settings

If you are going to report authorship information from Git to DTP, the cloned repository should not be shallow. A Git repository is considered shallow if the file .git/shallow exists. Git may not accurately produce authorship data when checking out shallow clones from a repository. You should check out full clones to retrieve accurate authorship information.    


This setting specifies that the repository type is Git.

Acceptable Values

gitThe Git repository identifier.


This setting specifies the path to git executable. If not set, assumes git command is on the PATH. 

Acceptable Values

[path]The path to the git executable.

(info) Use double backslashes to specify the file path on Windows.


This setting specifies the remote repository URL.

Acceptable Values


The URL to the remote repository.

Example Usage



This setting specifies the directory that contains the local git repository.

Acceptable Values

[path]The path to the directory with the local git repository.

(info) Use double backslashes to specify the file path on Windows.

Shallow Clones

A Git repository is considered shallow if the file .git/shallow exists. Git may not accurately produce authorship data when checking out shallow clones from a repository. You should check out full clones to retrieve accurate authorship information.  

Mercurial Source Control Settings 


This setting specifies that the repository type is Mercurial.

Acceptable Values

hgThe Mercurial repository identifier.


This setting specifies the path to the external client executable.

Acceptable Values

[path]The path to the external client executable (the default is hg).

(info) Use double backslashes to specify the file path on Windows.


This setting specifies the remote repository URL.

Acceptable Values


The URL to the remote repository.

Example Usage



This setting specifies the directory that contains the local Mercurial repository.

Acceptable Values

[path]The path to the directory with the local Mercurial repository.

(info) Use double backslashes to specify the file path on Windows.

Perforce Source Control Settings


This setting specifies that the repository type is Perforce.

Acceptable Values

perforceThe Perforce repository identifier.


This setting specifies the path to the external client executable.

Acceptable Values

[path]The path to the external client executable (the default is p4).

(info) Use double backslashes to specify the file path on Windows.


This setting specifies the Perforce server host. 

Acceptable Values

[host_name]The Perforce server host name.


This setting specifies Perforce server port.

Acceptable Values

[port_number]The Perforce server port number. The default port is 1666.


This setting specifies the Perforce user name.  

Acceptable Values

[user_name]The Perforce user name.


This setting specifies user's password to Perforce (optional if the ticket is used for authentication).

Acceptable Values

[password]The password to the Perforce source control.


This setting specifies the client workspace name as specified in the P4CLIENT environment variable or its equivalents. The root directory for specified workspace should be configured correctly for the local machine.

Acceptable Values

[client]The client workspace name.

Subversion Source Control Settings


This setting specifies that the repository type is Subversion.

Acceptable Values

svnThe Subversion repository identifier.


This setting specifies the path to an external client executable (svn).

Acceptable Values

[path]The path to the external client executable.

(info) Use double backslashes to specify the file path on Windows.


This setting specifies the protocol, server name, port and starting repository path.

(info) The URL should not include the project name and a trailing slash (/) to ensure that DTP can properly process information about your files.

Acceptable Values


Example Usage



This setting specifies the Subversion user name.  

Acceptable Values

[user_name]The Subversion user name.


This setting specifies user's password to Subversion (not encoded).

Acceptable Values

[password]The password to the Subversion source control.


This setting allows you to specify the SVN branch if the branch name is not automatically detected. This may occur when your Subversion repository structure is other than the recommended layouts.

Acceptable Values

[name]The name of the tested branch

Example Usage


Microsoft Team Foundation Server Source Control Settings


This setting specifies that the repository type is Team Foundation Server.

Acceptable Values

tfsThe TFS repository identifier.


This setting specifies the URL to TFS repository.

Acceptable Values

[URL]The URL to the TFS repository.

Example Usage



This setting specifies the TFS username.  

Ensure you provide the same username that you used to configure the TFS repository on your machine.

Acceptable Values

[user_name]The TFS username.


This setting specifies  user's password to TFS .

Acceptable Values

[password]The password to the TFS source control.
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