In this minor release, we focused on updating and enhancing existing functionality, including:

  • Improved integration with Jenkins and Team Foundation Server
  • Improved integration with Internet Information Services for collecting application coverage
  • Improved Flow Analysis execution

Resolved FRs and PRs

119418MSTest add-in not working with TFS when using LOCAL SERVICE account
120942Some types of analysis cannot be run from system account
120493Resolved issue related to application code coverage with IIS web project
121300No error is shown when solution path is incorrect when executing MSTests
121438, 120812Resolved issue related to code analysis not finishing in some instances 
121452Resolved issue related to rule BD.RES.LEAKS
121667All license featuresexcept fromthe main one are disabled after restart
120453BD.EXCEPT.AN not reporting correctly in Japanese environment
120695Suspicious messages in VS build log




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