Integrating with Jenkins

dotTEST DTP Engine can be integrated with Jenkins continuous integration software. The Parasoft Findings Plugin for Jenkins allows you to visualize static analysis and test results as trend graphs and warnings.

Parasoft Findings Plugin is available directly in Jenkins; see Parasoft Findings Plugin for details.

You can download the plugin source files from GitHub, see Parasoft Findings Plugin Project. If you need additional information on how to rebuild the plugin, contact Parasoft Support.

Integrating with TeamCity

Team City is a continuous integration build system where Web Service may be installed on a different machine than its builds agents.  

Integrating dotTEST with TeamCity

  1. InstalldotTESTon a machine or machines where the Team City build agent is installed.
  2. Perform one of the following actions:
    - Choose "Team City" on the "Select Build System for Integration" tab during installation and follow the wizard instructions.
    - Run the following command manually and follow the wizard instructions: [INSTALL_DIR]\Integrators\TeamCity\deploy.exe
  3. If TeamCity does not automatically recognize and deploy its plug-in to the build agent, restart TeamCity server and build agent services in Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Services.

Configuring a TeamCity  Project for dotTEST

  1. Launch TeamCity web services.
  2. Choose Projects> [Project Name].
  3. Click Edit Project Settings.
  4. Create a build configuration or edit an existing configuration.
  5. At configuration step 3 under "Build Steps", add a build step.
  6. Choose ParasoftdotTESTrunner.
  7. Complete fields on the form.
  8. Save the configuration.
  9. Ensure that at least one agent is capable of running the configuration (see Step 8 "Agent Requirements").
  10. Run the Configuration.

Viewing Results

  1. Choose Projects> [Project Name].
  2. Go to the Configuration that was used for the run.
  3. Click Build Log to view the logs.
  4. Click Artifacts to view the report.

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