The Test Configuration’s Common tab controls test settings for actions that affect multiple analysis types.

The Common tab has the following settings:

  • Override Session Tag: Assigns the specified session tag to results from test runs performed using the current Test Configuration. This overrides the session tag specified in Preferences> Parasoft> Reports. The tag is an identifier of the module checked during the analysis process. Reports for different modules should be marked with different tags.  The same variables that are valid for C++test Preferences options can be used here.
  • Before Testing>  Update projects from source control: Determines whether projects are updated from source control (if you using a supported source control system) before they are tested.
  • Build: Determines if and when whether projects are built before they are tested. Note that this settings applies to GUI tests, not command-line tests. Available options include:
    • Full (rebuild all files): Specifies that all project files should  always be rebuilt.
    • Stop testing on build errors: Specifies that testing should stop when build errors are reported.
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