During a test, C++test will perform static analysis based on the parameters defined in the Test Configuration used for that test.
The main Static tab has the following settings:
- Enable Static Analysis: Determines whether C++test performs static analysis, which involves checking whether the selected resources follow the rules that are enabled for this Test Configuration.
- Limit maximum number of tasks reported per rule to: Determines whether C++test limits the number of violations (tasks) reported for each rule, and—if so—the maximum number of violations per rule that should be reported during a single test. For instance, if you want to see no more than five violations of each rule, set this parameter to 5. The default setting is 1,000.
- Do not apply suppressions: Determines whether C++test applies the specified suppressions. If suppressions are not applied, C++test will report all violations found.
- Code parsing problems: Determines how C++test should analyze files with parse errors. The following options are available:
- Ignore: This option is enabled by default. C++test will ignore code parsing problems and report Static Analysis findings. Note that in some cases, analyzing files with parse errors may produce inaccurate results.
- Warning: C++test will report Static Analysis findings, and code parsing problems will be reported as set up problems and warnings.
- Error: C++test will not report Static Analysis findings if code parsing problems occur. Set up problems and warnings will be reported.
Rules Tree tab
- Determines which rules are checked during static analysis. Use the rules tree and related con-trols to indicate which rules and rule categories you want checked during static analysis.
- To view a description of a rule, right-click the node that represents that rule, then choose View Rule Documentation from the shortcut menu.
To enable or disable all rules in a specific rule category or certain types of rules within a specific rule category, right-click the category node, then choose Enable Rules>[desired option] or Disable Rules> [desired option].
- To search for a rule, use the Filter field at the top of the rules tree. By default, this search covers only rule names. If you want to search throughout rule descriptions, click the Search also in rule descriptions button to the right of this filter.
- To hide the rules that are not enabled, click the Hide Disabled button. If you later want all rules displayed, click Show All.
- The number next to each rule ID indicates the rule’s severity level. The severity level indicates the chance that a violation of the rule will cause a serious construction defect (a coding construct that causes application problems such as slow performance, security vulnerabilities, and so on). Possible severity levels (listed from most severe to least severe) are:
- Highest - Level 1
- High - Level 2
- Medium - Level 3
- Low - Level 4
- Lowest - Level 5
- To learn about the rules that are included with C++test, choose Help> Help Contents, then open the C++test Static Analysis Rules book, then browse the available rule description files.
- To generate a printable list of all rules that a given Test Configuration is configured to check:
- Open the Test Configurations panel by choosing Parasoft> Test Configurations.
- Select the Test Configurations category that represents the user-defined Test Configuration you want to modify.
- Open the Static tab.
- Click the Printable Docs button.
Flow Analysis Advanced Settings tab
This tab allows you to control specific Flow Analysis options, such as analysis depth, support for multithreading APIs, and violation reporting verbosity. For details, see Configuring Flow Analysis Analysis Options.