The following Wind River compilers are supported:

Wind River Diab 5.9.x

  • Compiler acronym: diab_5_9
  • Host OS: Windows (x86_64), Linux (x86_64)
  • Supported practices: Full support
  • Support level: Extended

Wind River Clang 8.0.x

  • Compiler acronym: wrclang_8_0
  • Host OS: Windows (x86_64), Linux (x86_64)
  • Supported practices: Full support
  • Support level: Extended

Additional Notes

  • C++20 features are not supported.
  • Clang is a multi-target compiler. This configuration only supports the x86_64 architecture and is not suitable for any other target.

Wind River Clang 9.0.x

  • Compiler acronym: wrclang_9_0-x86_64, wrclang_9_0-aarch32
  • Host OS: Linux (x86_64)
  • Supported practices: Full support
  • Support level: Extended

Additional Notes

  • Clang is a multi-target compiler. This configuration only supports the x86_64 and arm architectures and is not suitable for any other target.

Additional Information

  • C++test integrates into Wind River Workbench—see Wind River Workbench Plug-in, for details.
  • Specific options for building the runtime library on VxWorks need to be configured.
  • GCC and EGCS compilers: See GCC Support for details on GCC support and a list of unsupported GCC compiler extensions.

Deprecated Compilers

The following compiler configuration is now deprecated:

Wind River GCC 4.8.x

  • Compiler acronym: wrgcc_4_8
  • Host OS: Windows (x86_64), Linux (x86_64)
  • Supported practices: Full support
  • Support level: Extended

About Support Levels

  • Extended: Support has been validated with extended testing and is approved for use in safety-critical software development.
  • Standard: Support has been validated with standard testing and is approved for use in non-safety critical software development.
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