This topic explains how you can specify settings to control options for reporting, task assignment, licensing, and more. Local settings can be used to share preferences across a team as well as to apply different groups of settings to different projects and test runs. 

Sections include:

About Localsettings

Localsettings can control report settings, Parasoft DTP settings, error authorship settings, and more. You may want to create a file with localsettings to:

  • Configure and use different setting configurations for different projects.
  • Extend or override team-wide settings as needed  (for example, for settings that involve local paths).
  • Enter GUI-specified and manually-specified settings into Parasoft DTP, which centralizes preference distribution and updating across the team.
  • Adjust settings without having to open the GUI.

(info) If an option is configured both in the localsettings file and in the GUI, localsettings will override the GUI configuration.

Specifying and Storing Localsettings

There are two ways to specify localsettings:

  • Enter them manually in a simple text file. There are no name or location requirements.
  • Export your GUI preferences as described in Exporting GUI Preferences to a localsettings File then adjust or extend them as needed.

    Creating a Local Settings (Options) File by Exporting Your GUI Preferences

    The fastest and easiest way to create options files is to export your Preferences from the GUI.

    1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences.
    2. Select Parasoft (the root element in the left tree).
    3. Click the share link in the right side of the panel.
    4. In the dialog that opens, specify which preferences you want to export to a file.
    5. Click the Browse button, then specify the file where you want the settings saved.
    6. Click OK.
      • If you select an existing file, the settings will be appended to that file. Otherwise, a new file will be created.
      • Exported passwords will be encrypted.

Localsettings can be stored on Parasoft DTP (where they are automatically applied to connected C/C++test installations) or in a local file (where they can be specified from the command line).  For details on how to store and apply localsettings, see C++test Configuration Overview

Additional Information

  • Each setting should be entered on a single line.
  • We highly recommend that you use encoded passwords to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.
  • If you are importing preferences from localsettings specified on DTP and you want to override these settings from the GUI, you can clear the Use DTP settings option on the appropriate page, then manually configure the settings.
  • If any localsettings problems are detected during a test run, details will be reported in the command line output.
  • If you are running cli mode from a developer/tester desktop (as opposed to from a Server machine), use the tasks.clear=false option to ensure that your results from previous runs are preserved.

Available Settings

Reporting Settings


Specifies a build identifier used to label results. It may be unique for each build but may also label more than one test sessions that were executed during a specified build. 

The default is ${dtp_project}-yyyy-MM-dd.


Determines if the reports contain a list of the rules that were enabled for the test.

Default: false


Enables the generation of an additional compressed archive (.zip) file in the specified report location. The ZIP file contains all the files generated to build the report. 

This option can generate an archive for any report format (e.g., HTML, CSV, PDF, etc.). 

By generating an archive, you can also perform custom transformations of the report because all of the elements are generated to the specified destination folder.

Default: false


Specifies whether the report shows requirements, defects, tasks, and feature requests that are associated with a test.

Default: false


Determines whether the report includes an overview of the number and type of tasks assigned to each team member. 

Default: true


Determines whether the report includes an overview of the files that were checked or executed during testing.

Default: false



Specifies the location and extension of the XSL file for a custom format. Used with report.format=custom

For details and examples, see Configuring Reporting Settings.


Determines whether manager reports include details about team member tasks.

Default: false


Determines whether the system generates detailed reports for all team members (in addition to a summary report for managers). 

Default: true


Specifies the report format.

Default: html


Determines whether HTML reports are generated and saved on the local file system. XML reports are generated and saved regardless of this setting’s value.

Default: true

report.graph.cs_start_date=[MM/dd/yy]Determines the start date for trend graphs that track static analysis tasks over a period of time. See Understanding Reports for more details on these reports.
report.graph.ue_coverage_start_date=[MM/dd/yy]Determines the start date for trend graphs that track coverage over a period of time. See Understanding Reports for more details on these reports.
report.graph.ue_start_date=[MM/dd/yy]Determines the start date for trend graphs that track test execution results over a period of time. 

Specifies whether absolute file paths are added to XML data. This needs to be enabled on the Server installation if you want to relocate tasks upon import to desktop installations. 

Default: false


Determines whether reports are sent as attachments. All components are included as attachments; before you can view an HTML report with images, all attachments must be saved to the disk.

Default: false[email_addresses]Specifies where to mail comprehensive manager reports. This setting must be followed by a semicolon-separated list of email addresses. This setting is typically used to send reports to managers or architects. It can also be used to send comprehensive reports to team members if such reports are not sent automatically (for example, because the team is not using a supported source control system).

Specifies that you want to email a compact report or link rather than a complete report. 

If trends is used, the email contains a trend graphs, summary tables, and other compact data; detailed data is not included.

If links is used, the email contains only a link to a report (which is available on Team Server)

report.mail.domain=[domain]Specifies the mail domain used to send reports.

Determines whether reports are emailed to team members  and to the additional recipients specified with the cc setting. 

Remember that each developer that worked on project code will automatically be sent a report that contains only the errors/results related to his or her work.

Default: false

report.mail.exclude=[email_addresses]Specifies any email addresses you do not want to receive reports. This set-ting is used to prevent automated sending of reports to someone that worked on the code, but should not be receiving reports.

Specifies whether reports should be mailed to any team member whose email is not explicitly listed in the property. This setting is used to prevent reports from being mailed to individual developers.

Default: false


Specifies the email format.

Default: html

report.mail.from=[email_address OR user_name_of_the_same_domain]

Specifies the "from" line of the emails sent.

Default: <global_user_name>

report.mail.include=[email_addresses]Specifies the email addresses of team members that you want to receive individual reports. This setting must be followed by a semicolon-separated list of email addresses. This setting is typically used to send individual reports to team members if such reports are not sent automatically (for example, because the team is not using a supported source control system). It overrides team members specified in the 'exclude' list. 

Determines whether reports are sent to the manager only if a task is generated or a fatal exception occurs. Team member emails are not affected by this setting; individual emails are sent only to team members who are responsible for reported tasks.

Default: false

report.mail.server=[server]Specifies the mail server used to send reports.

Specifies the mail server host’s port number.

Default: 25[SL| STARTTLS| NONE]Specifies the desired security. Available settings are  SSL, STARTTLS, NONE. SSL is not available in Visual Studio.
report.mail.subject=My New Subject

Specifies the subject line of the emails sent. The default subject line is ${tool_name} Report - ${config_name}. For example, if you want to change the subject line to "Report for Project A", you would use

report.mail.subject=Report for Project A

Default: ${tool_name} Report - ${config_name}


Specifies a time delay between emailing reports (to avoid bulk email restrictions).

Default: 0

report.mail.unknown=[email_address OR user_name_of_the_same_domain]Specifies where to mail reports for errors assigned to "unknown".
report.mail.username=[username] report.mail.password=[password] report.mail.realm=[realm]

Specifies the settings for SMTP server authentication.

The realm value is required only for those servers that authenticate using SASL realm.


Determines whether an XML report with metrics summary information (as well as individual class and method detail data where applicable) is produced. This report will be generated only when a metrics-enabled Test Configuration is run. Metrics details will be shown in HTML and PDF reports.

Default: true


Determines whether reports include a section about setup problems. 

top - Adds a "Setup Problems" section to the top of the report. This is the default. 

hidden - Prevents a "Setup Problems" section from being added.

bottom - Adds a "Setup Problems" section to the bottom of the report. 

Default: bottom


Determines whether reports include suppressed messages.

Default: false


Determines whether reports include test parameter details.

Default: false


Determines whether a test's HTML report links to another report that includes source code annotated with line-by-line coverage details. 

The following values can be used for [coverage_type]:

LC - for line coverage
SC - for statement coverage
BCC - for block coverage
DC - for decision coverage
SCC - for simple condition coverage
MCDC - for MC/DC coverage


Specifies a session tag used to label these results. This value is used for uploading summary results to Team Server. 

The tag is an identifier of the module checked during the analysis process. Reports for different modules should be marked with different tags.

Default: ${config_name}

This setting specifies if additional information from source control, such as revisions and comments, is included in the report.

Parasoft DTP Settings


Determines whether the current C/C++test installation is connected to DTP.

dtp.server=[server]Specifies the host name of the DTP server.
dtp.port=[port]Specifies the port number of the DTP server.
dtp.user=[username]Specifies the username for DTP server authentication.
dtp.password=[password]Specifies the password for DTP server authentication. We highly recommend that you use an encoded password to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.
dtp.context.path=[path]Specifies the path to DTP. The context path is a relative path from the host name specified with the dtp.server setting. This setting should only be configured if DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, which may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy.
report.dtp.publish=true|falseEnables or disables reporting results to DTP server.
dtp.project=[project_name]Specifies the name of the DTP project that you want these results linked to.
dtp.additional.settings=[KEY1\=VALUE1\nKEY2\=VALUE2...]Specifies advanced settings for reporting results to DTP.
dtp.autoconfig=true|falseEnables autoconfiguration with C/C++test settings stored on the DTP server

Team Server Settings


Determines whether C/C++test is connected to the Parasoft Team Server. 

Default: false[name]Specifies the machine name or IP address of the machine running Team Server. 

Specifies the Team Server port number.

Default: 18888


Determines whether username and password are submitted to connect to Team Server. Usernames/passwords are not always needed; it depends on your team’s setup. 

If the first setting is true, the second and third settings specify the username and password.

Note that Team Server must have the username and password setting already enabled before these settings can be used.

tcm.server.accountLogin default: false

Licensing Settings

See Manually Adding the License to localsetttings for additional notes and examples.


Enables or disables retrieving a network license.

Example: cpptest.license.use_network=true

Default: true

(info) By default, C/C++test will try to retrieve a license form License Server on the DTP configured as your primary DTP server; see Parasoft DTP Settings. If you want to configure another License Server, enable the option.

cpptest.license.local.password=[password]Specifies the local password that you want C/C++test to use. 

Specifies the expiration date of the local license.

Default: 0[edition_name]

Specifies the type of license that you want C/C++test to retrieve from License Server. 

[edition_name] can be automation_edition. To use a custom edition, do not set anything after the "="; simply leaving the value empty.


Default: custom_edition

cpptest.license.custom_edition_features=[feature name]Specifies the features you want to enable in the custom edition of the C/C++test license.
cpptest.license.wait.for.tokens.time=[time in minutes]

Specifies the time that C/C++test will wait for a license if a license is not currently available. 

For example to make C++test  wait 3 minutes for license tokens, use cpptest.license.wait.for.tokens.time=3.

Default: 0


Specifies the maximum number of seconds C/C++test will  wait for the license to be automatically configured from License Server.

Default: 20|false

Enables or disables retrieving the license from a custom License Server specified with the and options.


Default: false[host]

Specifies the host name of the standalone License Server,  secondary DTP, or legacy License Server that you use to obtain the license. It requires the option set to true.


(info) If you retrieve the license from a standalone License Server that uses the HTTPS protocol, precede the hostname with https://.[port]

Specifies the port number that is assigned to License Server specified with the option.

  • For a standalone License Server:  Depends on your Tomcat settings; typically, a  HTTP port, for example, 8080.
  • For License Server on secondary DTP: Typically, a HTTPS port, for example 443 or 8443.
  • For legacy License Server: Typically, 2002.


Specifies the path to the DTP License Server. The context path is a relative path from the host name specified with the setting. This setting should only be configured if DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, which may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy.

Configuring the context path is not supported for standalone License Server.

Refer to the DTP documentation for additional information about reverse proxy server configuration and context path configuration.


Specifies the connection type if you obtain your license from a custom License Server.

http: Allows you to obtain the license from a standalone License Server or License Server on secondary DTP.

tcp: Allows you to obtain the license from Legacy License Server.

It requires the,, and to be enabled.


Enables or disables authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the and options.

It requires the option to be set to true.[username]

Specifies the username for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the and options. It requires the and options set to true.


Specifies the password for authentication on the secondary DTP server specified with the and options. It requires the and options set to true, and the the to be configured. We highly recommend that you use an encoded password to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.


OpenID Connect Settings


Enables or disables user authentication via OpenID Connect.

The default is false.

oidc.issuer.uri=[uri]Specifies the URI of the OpenID Connect server where your DTP is registered.[id]Specifies the ID registered on your OpenID Connect server.
oidc.client.secret=[password]Specifies the password provided by your OpenID Connect server.

Specifies the path to the keystore file that stores the certificate to authenticate the user on the OpenID Connect server.

oidc.keystore.password=[password]Specifies the password to the the keystore file that stores the self-signed client certificate. We highly recommend that you use an encoded password to ensure successful authentication and increase the level of security; see Creating an Encoded Password.

Specifies the alias you want to use to authenticate on the OpenID Connect server. You may need to configure this setting if your keystore file contains multiple entries.

Example: oidc.keystore.alias=grs |

This setting specifies the local callback host configured in the IDE to communicate with the OpenID Connect server.

(info) This is an IDE-related setting and is not intended for command line use.

The default is localhost.

oidc.callback.port=0 | [port number]

This setting specifies the callback port number configured in the IDE to communicate with the OpenID Connect server.

(info) This is an IDE-related setting and is not intended for command line use.

0: The port will be automatically configured.

The default is 0.


This setting specifies the maximum time allowed for providing user credentials on the authentication page to authenticate on DTP via OpenID Connect when working with C/C++test in the IDE.

(info) This is an IDE-related setting and is not intended for command line use.

The default is 60.

Technical Support Settings


Determines whether archives are automatically prepared when testing problems occur.

Default: false


Determines whether prepared archives are emailed to Parasoft support. If you enable this, be sure to specify email settings from the GUI or with the options in Reporting Settings.

Default: false  

techsupport.archive_location=[directory]Specifies where archives are stored.

Determines whether verbose logs are included in the archive. Note that this option cannot be enabled if the logging system has custom configurations.

  • Verbose logs are stored in the xtest.log file within the user-home temporary location (on Windows, this is <drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp\parasoft\xtest).

  • Verbose logging state is cross-session persistent (restored on application startup).

  • The log file is a rolling file: it won't grow over a certain size, and each time it achieves the maximum size, a backup will be created.

Default: false


Determines whether verbose logs include output from source control commands. Note that the output could include fragments of your source code.  

Default: false


Determines whether general application logs are included.

Default: false


Determines whether environment variables, JVM system properties, platform details, additional properties (memory, other) are included in the archive.

Default: false


Specifies if advanced options will be sent.

Default: false


Specifies any advanced options that the support team asked you to enter.

Default: false


Specifies if additional data generated during analysis will be sent.

Default: false

Authorship/Scope Settings


Specifies where the authorship mapping file is stored. This setting defaults to team unless local or shared is specified.

If set to local (recommended), authorship mappings can be set directly in localsettings. See authors.mapping and authors.user{n} for details.

If set to shared, you can store map-pings in a local file using the authors.mappings.file option. 

The team and shared options are deprecated. Files specified by these options should be in the previously-used format of:

#author to author
#author to email
[email protected]

 Default: team

authors.mapping{n}=[from_user, to_user]

Specifies a specific author mapping for authors.mappings.location=local, as described above.

For example:


authors.user{n}=[username, email, full_name]

Specifies a specific author name and email for authors.mappings.location=local.

For example:

authors.user1=dan,[email protected],Dan Stowe
authors.user2=jim,[email protected],Jim White 


Specifies the location of a "shared" file as described in authors.mappings.location above.

For example:


Determines whether author names are case sensitive. If true, David and david will be considered the same user. If false, David and david will be considered two separate users.

Default: false


Determines whether C++test computes code authorship based on a data from a supported source control system. This setting is not needed if you want to use the value specified in the GUI.

Default: false


Determines whether C++test computes code authorship based on the local user. This setting is not needed if you want to use the value specified in the GUI.

Default: true

scope.recommended.computation=first|randomDetermines how C/C++test selects the Recommended Tasks for each team member—it can choose n tasks at random (the default) or select the first n tasks reported (n is the maximum number of tasks that C/C++test is configured to show each team member per day)

Determines whether task assignment is computed based on XML files that define how you want tasks assigned for particular files or sets of files (these mappings can be specified in the GUI then saved in an XML file).

Default: true

scope.xmlmap.file=[file]Specifies the name of the XML file that defines how you want tasks assigned for particular files or sets of files.

Source Control Settings

Defining multiple repositories of the same type

Configuring more tan one repository of the same type requires adding an index (from 1 to n) to the settings that define each repository. For example: 

scontrol.rep1.svn.url= svn://

scontrol.rep2.svn.url= svn://

AccuRev Repository Definition Properties (deprecated)

scontrol.rep.type=accurevAccuRev repository type identifier. server host. 
scontrol.rep.accurev.port=AccuRev server port. Default port is 1666.
scontrol.rep.accurev.login=AccuRev user name. 
scontrol.rep.accurev.password=AccuRev password. 

ClearCase Repository Definition Properties (deprecated)

scontrol.ccase.exec=Path to external client executable (cleartool).
scontrol.rep.type=ccaseClearCase repository type name. 
scontrol.rep.ccase.vob= Path inside VOB. ccase.vob value + File.separator  must be the valid path to a ClearCase controlled directory. 

CVS Repository Definition Properties (deprecated)

scontrol.rep.type=cvsCVS repository type identifier. 
scontrol.rep.cvs.root=Full CVSROOT value. 

Plain or encoded password. The encoded password should be the same as in the .cvspass file.

For CVS use the value in .cvspass from within the user's home directory

For CVSNT use the value store in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cvsnt\cvspass

When you are first logged in to the CVS repository from the command line using "cvs login", the password is saved in the registry. To retrieve it, go to the registry (using regedit), and look for the value under HKEY_CURRENT_USER->CVSNT> cvspass. This should display your entire login name (:pserver:exampleA@exampleB:/exampleC) encrypted password value.

scontrol.rep.cvs.useCustomSSHCreden-tials=Determines whether  the cvs login and password should be used for EXT/SSH connections. Allowed values are true and false. It is disabled by default.

If connecting to a CVS server in EXT mode, this specifies which CVS application to start on the server side.

Has the same meaning as the CVS_SERVER variable .cvs is the default value.

scontrol.rep.cvs.ssh.loginname=Specifies the login for SSH connections (if an external program can be used to provide the login).
scontrol.rep.cvs.ssh.password=Specifies the  password for SSH connection.
scontrol.rep.cvs.ssh.keyfile=Specifies the private key file to establish an SSH connection with key authentication.
scontrol.rep.cvs.ssh.passphrase=Specifies the passphrase for SSH connections with the key authentication mechanism.
scontrol.rep.cvs.useShell=Enable an external program (CVS_RSH) to establish a connection to the CVS repository. Allowed values are true and false. It is disabled by default. the path to the executable to be used as the CVS_RSH program. Command line parameters should be specified in the cvs.ext.params property.

Specifies the parameters to be passed to an external program. The following case-sensitive macro definitions can be used to expand values into command line parameters:

  • {host} repository host
  • {port} port
  • {user} cvs user
  • {password} cvs password
  • {extuser} parameter cvs.ssh.loginname
  • {extpassword} parameter cvs.ssh.password
  • {keyfile} parameter cvs.ssh.keyfile
  • {passphrase} parameter cvs.ssh.passphrase

Git Repository Definition Properties

scontrol.rep.type=gitGit repository type identifier.
scontrol.git.exec=Path to Git executable. If not set, assumes git command is on the path.
scontrol.rep.git.branch=The name of the branch that the source control module will use. This can be left blank and the currently checked out branch will be used.
scontrol.rep.git.url=The remote repository URL (e.g., git://hostname/repo.git).
scontrol.rep.git.workspace= The directory containing the local git repository.

Perforce Repository Definition Properties

scontrol.perforce.exec=Path to  external  client executable (p4).
scontrol.rep.type=perforcePerforce repository type identifier. server host. 
scontrol.rep.perforce.port=Perforce server port. Default port is 1666.
scontrol.rep.perforce.login=Perforce user name. 
scontrol.rep.perforce.client=The client workspace name, as specified in the P4CLIENT environment variable or its equivalents. The workspace's root dir should be configured for local path (so that files can be downloaded). 

Serena Dimensions Repository Definition Properties (deprecated)

Linux Configuration Note

To use Serena Dimensions, Linux users should run C/C++test in an environment prepared for using Serena programs, such as 'dmcli'.

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH should contain the path to <SERENA Install Dir>/libs.
  • DM_HOME should be specified.
scontrol.rep.type=serenaSerena Dimensions repository type identifier. 
scontrol.serena.dmroot=Path to  the Serena Dimensions executable (e.g., scontrol.serena.dmroot=C\:\\Program Files (x86)\\Serena\\Dimensions 2009 R2\\CM\\)
scontrol.rep.serena.login=Login name.
scontrol.rep.serena.password=Password. Dimensions server host name.
scontrol.rep.serena.dbname=Name of the database for C/C++test
scontrol.rep.serena.dbconn=Connection string for that database.
scontrol.rep.serena.locale=The  language used (e.g., scontrol.rep.serena.locale=en_US).

If the project has been downloaded/moved to a location other than default work area, use this option to specify a mapping between the project (or stream) with the Serena repository and the local project.

If you are working in the default work area, you do not need to define mappings.

StarTeam Repository Definition Properties (deprecated)

scontrol.rep.type=starteamStarTeam repository type identifier. server host. 
sscontrol.rep.starteam.port=StarTeam server port. Default port is 49201. 
scontrol.rep.starteam.login=Login name. 
scontrol.rep.starteam.password=Password (not encoded).

When working with large multi-project repositories, you can improve performance by specifying the project, view, or folder that you are currently working with. 

You can indicate  either a simple Project name (all views will be scanned when searching for the repository path), a Project/View (only the given view will scanned) or Project/View/Folder (only the specified Star Team folder will be scanned).




If the scontrol.rep.starteam.path setting specifies a StarTeam view or folder, you can use this field to indicate a new working directory for the selected view's root folder (if the path represents a view) or a new working directory for the selected folder (if the path represents a folder).



Subversion Repository Definition Properties

scontrol.rep.type=svnSubversion repository type identifier. 
scontrol.rep.svn.url=Subversion URL specifies protocol, server name, port and starting repository path (e.g.,  svn:// 
scontrol.rep.svn.login=Login name. 
scontrol.rep.svn.password =Password (not encoded). 
scontrol.svn.exec=Path to external client executable (svn).

CM Synergy Repository Definition Properties (deprecated)

scontrol.rep.type=synergySynergy/CM repository type identifier. on which synergy/cm engine runs. Local host is used when missing. For Web mode, the  host must be a valid Synergy Web URL with protocol and port (e.g., http://synergy.server:8400).

Absolute synergy database path e.g \\host\db\name (backslash symbols '\' in UNC/Windows paths must be doubled).

scontrol.rep.synergy.projspec= Synergy project spec which contains project name and its version e.g name-version. 
scontrol.rep.synergy.login=Synergy user name. 
scontrol.rep.synergy.password=Synergy password (not encoded). 
scontrol.rep.synergy.port=Synergy port.
scontrol.rep.synergy.remote_client=(UNIX only) Specifies that you want to start ccm as a remote client. Default value is false. Optional. This is not used for Web mode.
scontrol.rep.synergy.local_dbpath=Specifies the path name to which your data-base information is copied when you are running a remote client session. If null, then the default location will be used. This is not used for Web mode.
scontrol.synergy.exec=Path to external client executable (ccm

Microsoft Team Foundation Server Repository Definition Properties 

scontrol.rep.type=tfsTFS repository type identifier. of the machine running TFS.
scontrol.rep.tfs.port=TFS server’s port number (optional; when not specified, 8080 is used).
scontrol.rep.tfs.protocol=The protocol used to connect to TFS server. Available values are HTTP and HTTPS.
scontrol.rep.tfs.url=TFS repository URL (for example, http://localhost:8080/tfs).
scontrol.rep.tfs.login =TFS username. Ensure you provide the same username that you used to configure the TFS repository on your machine.
scontrol.rep.tfs.password=TFS password.

Microsoft Visual Source Safe Repository Definition Properties (deprecated)

scontrol.rep.type=vssVisual SourceSafe repository type identifier.
scontrol.rep.vss.ssdir=Path of repository database  (backslash symbols '\' in UNC/Windows paths must be doubled). 
scontrol.rep.vss.projpath=VSS project path. 
scontrol.rep.vss.login=VSS login. 
scontrol.rep.vss.password=VSS password. 
scontrol.vss.exec= Path to external client executable (ss).
scontrol.vss.lookup=Determines whether a full VSS database search is performed to find associations between local paths and repository paths. True or false. 

Important Notes

  • The repository(n).vss.ssdir property shouldco ntain a UNC value even if the repository database resides locally.
  • Be aware of VSS Naming Syntax, Conventions and Limitations. Any character can be used for names or labels, except the following:
    • Dollar sign ($)
    • At sign (@)
    • Angle brackets (< >), brackets ([ ]), braces ({ }), and parentheses (( ))
    • Colon (:) and semicolon (;)
    • Equal sign (=)
    • Caret sign (^)
    • Exclamation point (!)
    • Percent sign (%)
    • Question mark (?)
    • Comma (,)
    • Quotation mark (single or double) (' ")
  • VSS 6.0 (build 8163), which is deployed with Visual Studio 6, does not work properly with projects whose names start with a dot (.) symbol. If such a project name is used, subprojects cannot be added.
  • Do not use custom working directories for sub-projects (example: Project $/SomeProject has the working directory C:\TEMP\VSS\SomeProject and its subproject $/SomeProject/SomeSubProject has the working directory D:\SomeSubProject).

Settings for Creating or Importing Projects

C/C++test Project Creation and Import Settings

The options for creating or importing projects are valid only when creating or importing the project. They are ignored during subsequent runs.

Settings for Creating BDF-Based Projects



You can specify an external location, or use the keyword WORKSPACE. If WORKSPACE is used, projects will be created in subdirectories within the workspace directory.

If BDF_LOC is used and one project will be created, then it will be created in the exact location as the bdf file. If more then one project will be created, then the projects will be created in subdirectories within the bdf file location. Those subdirectories will be named with corresponding projects names.

If an external path is specified, then the project will be created in the specified location.

WORKSPACE is the default.

For details on the available project creation options and their impacts, see Working with C++test Projects.


Specifies if Path Variables should be used in linked folders that will be created in the new projects. The default is false.<name>

Specifies the name of the Path Variable (if Path Variables are used, per the bdf.import.pathvar.enabled property). The default Path Variable name is DEVEL_ROOT_DIR.


Specifies the value of the Path Variable (if Path Variables are used, per the bdf.import.pathvar.enabled property). The default value is the most common root directory for all linked folders.<compiler_family>

Specifies what compiler family will be used (for example, vc_6_0, vc_7_0, vc_7_1, vc_8_0, gcc_2_9, gcc_3_2, gcc_3_3, gcc_3_4, ghs_4_0). For a custom compiler, you need to use the custom compiler family identifier, which is the name of the directory containing, c.psrc and cpp.psrc files). If this property is not specified, the default values will be used.


Specifies the executable of the C compiler that will be used in the created project.


Specifies the executable of the C++ compiler that will be used in the created project.


Specifies the executable of the linker that will be used in the created project.


Specifies the set of folders to link for the project prj_name. Folders should be specified as a value list of folder paths, separated with semicolons.

Settings for Importing Green Hills .gpj Projects


Specifies the location of the imported projects.

If WORKSPACE is used, then the project will be created in workspace.

If ORIG is used, then the project will be created in the .gpj project location.

If an external path is specified, then the project will be created in the specified location.

The default value is WORKSPACE.


Specifies whether the .gpj project source folders are linked into the created Eclipse project.

The default value is true.


Applicable when gpj.import.location=<path>

Specifies whether the project(s) are imported into subdirectories or directly into the specified location.

If you want the project(s) imported into subdirectories created in the specified external location, use true.

If you are importing only one project and you want it imported directly into the specified external location, use false.

The default value is true (subfolders are created for each project imported into in external location).


Specifies if path variables should be used when creating linked directories (if the above option is set to true).

The default value is false.<name>

Specifies the path variable name. The default value will be used unless you specify a path variable name that points to a different location (for instance, DEVEL_ROOT_DIR).

If a project with the specified name is already defined in the Eclipse workspace and it points to a different location than the value passed in the gpj.import.pathvar.location property, then Path Variable will not be used; full paths will be used instead. Also the default value of will always be DEVEL_ROOT_DIR if the property is not specified. If this property is specified with some <name>, then that <name> will be used as the Path Variable name.

The default value is DEVEL_ROOT_DIR.


Specifies the path variable value. By default, C++test calculates the common root for all linked folders.

Specifies the compiler family (compiler ID)

gpj.import.c.compiler.exec=nameSpecifies the C compiler executable

Specifies the C++ compiler executable

gpj.import.linker.exec=nameSpecifies the linker executable

Settings for Importing IAR Embedded Workbench .ewp Projects


Specifies the location of the imported projects.

If WORKSPACE is used, then the project will be created in workspace.

If EWP_LOC is used, then the project will be created in the .ewp project location.

If an external path is specified, then the project will be created in the specified location.

The default value is WORKSPACE.


Specifies which .ewp project configuration should be used. If the specified configuration cannot be found in the imported project, then the default configuration will be used.

The configuration name can be passed in two ways: <project_name> - <configuration_name> or only <configuration_name>. If more then one project is imported, then only <configuration_name> should be entered.

This prompts the wizard to search for that configuration in all projects. The default value is the default from .ewp.


Specifies whether the .project source folders are linked to the created Eclipse project.

Default: true.


Specifies whether the project(s) are imported into subdirectories or directly into the specified location. Applicable when ewp.import.location=<path> is used.

Set to true to import the project(s) into subdirectories created in the specified external location. Default.

Set to false to import a single project directly into the specified external location.


Set to true to use path variables when creating linked directories.

The default value is false.

Specifies the path variable name. The default name is DEVEL_ROOT_DIR and will be used unless a path variable name that points to a different location is specified.

ewp.import.pathvar.value=<path>Specifies the path variable value. By default, C++test calculates the common root for all linked folders.

Settings for Importing Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 .dsp Projects


Specifies the location of the imported projects.

If WORKSPACE is used, then the project will be created in workspace.

If DSP_LOC is used, then the project will be created in the .dsp project location.

If an external path is specified, then the project will be created in the specified location.

The default value is WORKSPACE.


Specifies whether the .dsp project source folders are linked into the created Eclipse project.

The default value is true.


Applicable when dsp.import.location=<path>

Specifies whether the project(s) are imported into subdirectories or directly into the specified location.

If you want the project(s) imported into subdirectories created in the specified external location, use true. If you are importing only one project and you want it imported directly into the specified external location, use false.

The default value is true (subfolders are created for each project imported into in external location).


Specifies if path variables should be used when creating linked directories (if the above option is set to true).

The default value is false.<name>

Specifies the path variable name. The default value will be used unless you specify a path variable name that points to a different location (for instance, DEVEL_ROOT_DIR).

If a project with the specified name is already defined in the Eclipse workspace and it points to a different location than the value passed in the dsp.import.pathvar.location property, then Path Variable will not be used; full paths will be used instead. Also the default value of will always be DEVEL_ROOT_DIR if the property is not specified. If this property is specified with some <name>, then that <name> will be used as the Path Variable name.

The default value is DEVEL_ROOT_DIR.


Specifies what location the path variable points to. By default, the automatically-generated location will be used. This location is the common root location for all linked directories. If it is not possible to find a common location (for example because .dsp projects are on multiple drives) or the specified location cannot be used, then the path variable will not be used. Full paths will be used instead.

For example, assume you have the following paths:

path1: c:\a\b\c\proj1

path2: c:\a\b\proj2

The common root location would be c:\a\b

The default value is automaticallygenerated.


Specifies which .dsp project configuration should be used. If the specified configuration cannot be found in the imported project, then the default configuration will be used.

The configuration name can be passed in two ways: <project_name> - <configuration_name> or only <configuration_name>. If more then one project is imported, then only <configuration_name> should be entered. This prompts the wizard to search for that configuration in all projects.

The default value is the default from .dsp.

For example, if the folder C:\temp\sources should be linked in an imported project and we have defined the path variable DEVEL_ROOT_DIR with the value C:\temp, then that folder will be linked as DEVEL_ROOT_DIR/sources and the DEVEL_ROOT_DIR path variable will be created in the workspace. If such a variable cannot be used (for example, because its value points to another folder not containing C:\temp\sources folder, it is already defined and has different value, or it has an invalid value), then C:\temp\sources folder will be linked using the full path C:\temp\sources.

Settings for Importing Keil uVision Projects


Specifies the location of the imported projects.

If WORKSPACE is used, then the project will be created in workspace.

If ORIG is used, then the project will be created in the original project file location.

If an external path is specified, then the project will be created in the specified location.

The default value is WORKSPACE.


Specifies whether the uVision project source folders are linked into the created Eclipse project.

The default value is true.


Applicable when uv.import.location=<path>

Specifies whether the project(s) are imported into subdirectories or directly into the specified location.

If you want the project(s) imported into subdirectories created in the specified external location, use true.

If you are importing only one project and you want it imported directly into the specified external location, use false.

The default value is true (subfolders are created for each project imported into in external location).


Specifies if path variables should be used when creating linked directories (if the above option is set to true).

The default value is false.<name>

Specifies the path variable name. The default value will be used unless you specify a path variable name that points to a different location (for instance, DEVEL_ROOT_DIR).

If a project with the specified name is already defined in the Eclipse workspace and it points to a different location than the value passed in the uv.import.pathvar.location property, then Path Variable will not be used; full paths will be used instead. Also, the default value of will always be DEVEL_ROOT_DIR if the property is not specified. If this property is specified with a <name>, then that <name> will be used as the Path Variable name.

The default value is DEVEL_ROOT_DIR.

uv.import.pathvar.value=<path>Specifies the path variable value. By default, C++test calculates the common root for all linked folders.
uv.import.config=<name>Specifies the name of the build configuration to use.

Settings for Importing Renesas High-performance Embedded Projects


Specifies the location of the imported projects.

If WORKSPACE is used, then the project will be created in workspace.

If ORIG is used, then the project will be created in the original project file location.

If an external path is specified, then the project will be created in the specified location.

The default value is WORKSPACE.


Specifies whether the HEW project source folders are linked into the created Eclipse project.

The default value is true.


Applicable when hew.import.location=<path>

Specifies whether the project(s) are imported into subdirectories or directly into the specified location.

If you want the project(s) imported into subdirectories created in the specified external location, use true.

If you are importing only one project and you want it imported directly into the specified external location, use false.

The default value is true (subfolders are created for each project imported into in external location).


Specifies if path variables should be used when creating linked directories (if the above option is set to true).

The default value is false.<name>

Specifies the path variable name. The default value will be used unless you specify a path variable name that points to a different location (for instance, DEVEL_ROOT_DIR).

If a project with the specified name is already defined in the Eclipse workspace and it points to a different location than the value passed in the hew.import.pathvar.location property, then Path Variable will not be used; full paths will be used instead. Also the default value of will always be DEVEL_ROOT_DIR if the property is not specified. If this property is specified with a <name>, then that <name> will be used as the Path Variable name.

The default value is DEVEL_ROOT_DIR.

hew.import.pathvar.value=<path>Specifies the path variable value. By default, C++test calculates the common root for all linked folders.
hew.import.config=<name>Specifies the name of the build configuration to use.

Miscellaneous Settings


Specifies the directory for rules html files (generated by clicking the Printable Docs button in the Test Configuration’s Static Analysis tab). 

For example:



Default: none


Clears existing tasks upon startup in cli mode. This prevents excessive time being spent "loading existing results." 

Default: true


Specifies the verbosity level for the Console view. Available settings are:

low: Configures the Console view to show errors and basic information about the current step’s name and status (done, failed, up-to-date).

normal: Also shows command lines and issues reported during test and analysis.

high: Also shows warnings.

Default: low


Indicates where user-defined rules are saved.


Indicates where user-defined Test Configurations are saved.

custom.compilers.dir=[directory]Overrides the custom compiler directory settings (found in Parasoft> Configurations> Custom compilers) and uses the defined directory to search for custom compilers.
exec.env=[env1; env2; ...]Specifies a list of tags that describe the environment where a test session was executed. Tags could describe an   operating system (e.g. Windows, Linux), an architecture (e.g. x86, x86_64), a compiler, a browser, etc. These tags describe a complete test session; more environment details could be also added at the test suite, test, or test case levels via the services API.

Specifies custom issue tracking tags. Multiple tags can be separated by a comma. For example:

issue.tracking.tags=@custom,@pr ,@fr

For more details, see Indicating Code and Test Correlations.


Determines which of the following modes is active: 

  • Auto: Allows C/C++test to control parallel processing settings.
  • Manual: Allows you to manually configure parallel processing settings to suit your specific needs.
  • Disabled: Configures C/C++test to use only one of the available CPUs.

For more details on this and other parallel processing options, see Configuring Parallel Processing.

Default: Auto


Specifies the maximum number of  parallel threads that can be executed simultaneously.  The actual number of parallel threads is determined based on the number of CPUs, available memory, and license settings.

Default: [available_processors]


Specifies the amount of memory that should be kept free in low memory conditions (expressed as a percentage of the total memory available for the application). This is used to ensure that free memory is available for other processes.

Default: 25


Indicates that you do not want to place any restrictions (beyond existing system limitations) on the memory available to Parasoft Test. 

Default: false|false

Enables or disables returning the 0x40 exit code, which indicates that setup problems were reported when the process failed; see Command Line Exit Codes for details.

Default: false

Using Variables in Local Settings (Options) Files

The following variables can be used in report, e-mail, Parasoft DTP, Team Server, and license settings.

(warning) The session tag value must not  contain any ':' characters.


example: ${env_var:HOME}

Outputs the value of the environmental variable specified after the colon.


example: ${project_name}

Outputs the name of the tested project. If more than one project is provided as an input, it first outputs the tested project name, then "..."


example: ${workspace_name}

Outputs an empty string. 


$ example: ${config_name}

Outputs the name of executed test configuration; applies only to report and email settings.


$ example: ${analysis_type}

Outputs a comma separated list of enabled analysis types (for example: Static, Generation, Execution); applies only to reports and email settings.


$ example: ${tool_name}

Outputs the tool name (for example: C/C++test).


Example 1

# Report settings
session.tag=<project name>
# Mail settings:
report.mail.enabled=true<[email protected];[email protected]>
report.mail.subject=<Static Analysis results on Project X> 

Example 2

# Parasoft DTP settings   

# Mail settings
report.mail.subject=Coding Standards   

Example 3

#Determines whether reports are emailed to developers and to the additional recipients specified with the cc setting.
#Remember that if the team is using CVS for source control and each developer's email address matches his or her CVS username + the mail domain, each developer that worked on project code will automatically be sent a report that contains only the errors/results related to his or her work.

#Exclude developers emails (true/false) 
# Append developers errors to manager emails (true/false) 
# Send reports to developers (true|false) 
# Append suppressed messages (true|false) 
#Determines where to mail complete test reports.
#This setting is typically used to send reports to managers or architects.
#It can also be used to send reports to developers if developer reports
#are not sent automatically (for example, because the team is not using CVS). 
[email protected]; ${env_var:USERNAME}
# mail target for unknown developer errors 
[email protected]
#Specifies the mail server used to send reports.
#Specifies the mail domain used to send reports.
#Specify mali from 
#Specifies any email addresses you do not want to receive reports.
#This setting is used to prevent from automatically sending reports to someone that worked on the code, but should not be receiving reports. This setting is only applicable if the team is using CVS for source control and developer reports are being sent automatically.
# Specifies the subject line of the emails sent.
report.mail.subject= ${tool_name} Report - ${config_name}
# Report test params include (true|false) 
# Team Server
#Determines whether the current installation is connected to the Team Server. 
#Specifies the machine name or IP address of the machine running Team Server.
#Specifies the Team Server port number. 
session.tag= ${config_name}
#code authorship based on CVS 
#code authorship based on author tag
#code authorship based on local user 

#network license retrieved from DTP
  • No labels