Suppressing Findings in the IDE

You can suppress individual instances of findings, all instances of a finding type in a file, or all findings in the file from the Findings view.

  1. Right click a violation or multiple selected violations and choose Suppress from the menu.

  2. Enter a reason for suppressing the violation and choose a suppression type when prompted.

  3. Click OK to complete the suppression.

Suppressing Findings in Source Code

C++test allows you to define suppressions directly in the source code, using the following directives embedded in C or C++ style comments:

  1. parasoft-suppress <ruleid> [<ruleid> ...] ["<comment>"]: Creates a suppression for the current line only (line with suppression directive)
  2. parasoft off: Suppresses the reporting of all static analysis violations that occur between this line of code and the end of the file.
  3. parasoft on: Unsuppresses the reporting of all static analysis violations that occur between this line of code and the end of the file.
  4. parasoft suppress/unsuppress [line <linewildcard>][class <classnamewildcard>] [file <filenamewildcard>] [item <ruleid>][type <severity>] [reason <comment>]: Creates a suppression with the desired parameters.
    line *, line 10, line 50-*
    class MyClass, class *
    file *example.cpp, file *ex*.cpp
    item SECURITY-02
    type SV
    reason "Not relevant to my code."

    The above elements (line, class, file, etc.) can be combined together by separating each entry with a space (for example, item * class MyClass line 10-*).
    <filenamewildcard> must be specified as an absolute path to a file.

Example A:
/* parasoft suppress item SECURITY-02 */
This suppresses reporting of violation SECURITY-02 for the current file, starting from the line where the suppression is located.
Example B:
/* parasoft unsuppress item * class MyClass line 10-* */
This unsuppresses all items for class MyClass in the current file starting from line 10.
Example C:
/* parasoft unsuppress item SECURITY-02 file *example.cpp */
This unsuppresses the item SECURITY-02 in any file that is in the current compilation unit and has a file path that matches the *example.cpp file name pattern.
Example D:
/* parasoft suppress all */
This suppresses all messages in the current file starting from the line where this directive was entered.
Example E:
void foo(); /* parasoft-suppress SECURITY-02 */
void bar(); // parasoft-suppress SECURITY-03 "Not relevant to my code."
This suppresses item SECURITY-02 on the line with "foo" declaration and item SECURITY-03 on the line with "bar" declaration with the reason "Not relevant to my code."
Example F:
/* parasoft off */
/* parasoft unsuppress line 30-45 */
This suppresses everything, then unsuppress lines 30 to 45.

Additional Notes

  • When no item is specified, the (un)suppression will be applied to all rules. This is equivalent to specifying item *.
  • When no file is specified, the (un)suppression will be applied only to the current file.
  • When no line is specified, the (un)suppression will be applied starting from the line that contains the directive.
  • To suppress files with whitespaces in their names, quotes should be used. For example: parasoft suppress file "*file with whitespace.cpp"
  • Putting a suppression with the file * pattern in a header file makes it valid for all the files that include that header file. When no file is specified, suppression will be applied only to that header.
  • The parasoft-suppress directive is quite distinct from the other parasoft on, parasoft off, and parasoft suppress/unsuppress directives. parasoft-suppress suppresses only the current line (the line with the directive) and uses different syntax than the other directives.


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