This section explains several ways to contact technical support, as well as how to prepare and send "support archives" that help the technical support team diagnose any problems you are experiencing. 

Obtaining Live Online Support (Windows only)

The Parasoft support team is available online to answer your questions. This live support allows you to chat in real-time with the support team and perform desktop sharing if needed. To receive live online support, go to This live tech support feature currently supports only the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Creating a Support Case

You can file a support case directly at

Contacting us via Phone or E-mail

USA Headquarters
Tel: (888) 305-0041 or (626) 256-3680\
Email: [email protected]

Tel: +31-70-3922000
Email: [email protected]

Tel:+33 (0) 64 89 26 00
Email: [email protected]

Tel: +49 731 880309-0
Email: [email protected]

Tel: +44 208 263 6005
Email: [email protected]

Other Locations

Preparing a "Support Archive" and Sending it to Technical Support

If you are experiencing technical problems, such as test process failure, the best way to remedy the problem is to create a zip archive containing the source file(s) that caused that failure (if applicable), as well as related test information, then send that zip file to Parasoft's support team. On average, these archives are about half a megabyte, and are created in about one minute.

  1. In your IDE, click Parasoft in the menu bar and choose Options.

  2. Select Technical Support.
  3. Enable the Enable option and choose any additional options.

  4.  (Optional) Enable the Archives option and specify the custom location where created archives will be placed. If a custom location is not specified, archives will be created in the default workspace location (click Explore Archives to view the location).

  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click Create Archive.

When creating a support archive it is best to ensure that it contains all the information that is relevant to the problem, while avoiding unrelated information.

To access recent support archives:

  1. Click  Parasoft in the menu bar and choose  Options.

  2. Select Technical Support.
  3. Click Explore Archives to view the archives created in the specified location or in the default workspace location.

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