Many projects involve porting applications to several different platforms or the use of more than one compiler. Insure++ deals with this by using two built-in variables that denote the machine architecture on which you are running and the name of the compiler you are using. Anywhere that you would normally specify a pathname or filename, you can then use these values to switch between various options, each specific to a particular machine or compiler.

Environment variables, such as the % notation, are expanded when processing filenames. The following Windows command, for example, loads an interface file in which the %a and %c macros have been expanded to indicate the architecture and compiler name in use: 

interface_library C:\usr\me\insure\%a\%c\foo.tqs 

The following interface file, for example, would be opened with the command: 


In the compiler-default configuration option, there may be several interface_library options using the following format:

Interface Library Options - Unix
$PARASOFT/lib.%a/%c/builtin.tqi \
Interface Library Options - Windows
$PARASOFT\lib.%a\%c\builtin.tqi \

The PARASOFT variable used above is not a true environment variable. If the PARASOFT environment variable is not set by the user, it will be expanded automatically by Insure++.

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