You can configure DTP to forward static analysis reports from C/C++test, dotTEST, and Jtest 10.x to Team Server. This enables people using 9.x desktop versions of Parasoft code analysis and test execution tools to download static analysis violations detected by 10.x versions of the tools to their IDEs. This may be useful if your organization has a combination of 10.x on the build server and 9.x desktop machines.

  1. Open the DTP_HOME\conf\PSTRootConfig.xml configuration file
  2. Add the following entry under the <root-config> tag:

If the Enable unauthorized connections option is enabled for Team Server, all static analysis reports from Parasoft tools received by Data Collector are forwarded to Team Server by default.

If the Enable unauthorized connections option is disabled and named accounts are in use (see Configuring Named Accounts), the Parasoft Test Global settings or Parasoft Test settings for the project must specify the username and password (see Configuring Parasoft Test for All Projects). Basic usage:



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