dotTEST helps you improve the quality of your tests and ensure compliance with your unit testing policy in a number of ways.
From Visual Studio, you can:
- Run unit tests created with the NUnit, MSTest, and xUnit frameworks
- Collect coverage information for NUnit, MSTest, and xUnit tests (see Viewing Coverage)
- Report results about unit test execution to DTP
- Import data from nightly build test execution to review coverage and discover recommendations for improving your tests. See Importing Unit Test Findings and Working with Unit Test Findings for details.
dotTEST ships with the following test configurations that allow you to run tests from Visual Studio:
Run VSTest Tests
(executes NUnit, MSTest, and xUnit tests)Run VSTest Tests with Coverage
(executes NUnit, MSTest, and xUnit tests and collects coverage information)Run NUnit Tests
(executes NUnit tests)Run NUnit Tests with Coverage
(executes NUnit tests and collects coverage information)
For details about test configurations and information about support for unit testing frameworks, see Unit Testing in the Automation User Guide.