All changes applied to violations can be viewed in the actions panel, which provides a detailed view of historical information associated with selected violations. Rule documentation for a selected violation is also available.

In this section:

Modification History

Click the Modification History tab in the Actions panel to view a summary of prioritization changes, such as re-assignments and impact level changes, for the violation. You cannot view the modification history of two or more violations.

Enable Only show comments to hide all updates except for the comments log.

Violation History

Click the Violation History tab in the Actions panel to view the static analysis runs and the dates in which the selected violation was detected. You cannot view the violation history of two or more violations.    

The tab also shows the source control history associated with the violation. The same violation may exist in multiple branches under different violation IDs. Choose a branch from the Violations in Branch menu to view the history of the selected violation in other branches.

The table in the Violation History will be refreshed if you switch to a different branch, but other areas of the Violations Explorer will continue to show information for the selected instance of the violation

The violation history table will be empty if the build information was removed from DTP, such as during regular database pruning or manual deletion.


Click the Traces tab to view flow analysis results or CDD (code duplicate detection) analysis rules if either type of analysis was performed.

Viewing Flow Analysis Traces

If data flow analysis (dynamic analysis) has been performed, the path leading up to a violation appears under the Traces tab. Flow analysis can help you make decisions about how the code is structured, understand why the violation may have occurred, and determine the significance of the violation.

Click on a trace to view the violation path in the code panel.

Users must have permissions to view source code. See Permissions for additional information.

If DTP received the flow analysis report from C/C++test, dotTEST, or Jtest version 10.4.1 or later, the flow analysis trace will include annotations, which provide additional information about the code in the trace. Annotations appear in green text and are marked with flow analysis trace icons and color-coded statements that provide specific information about the flow as it relates to the error:

Clicking on a point in trace shows the corresponding source code in the sources panel. The sources panel also shows the annotations and color-coded highlights to provide a clear indication of how the code flow resulted in an error. For additional information, see the rule documentation for specific flow analysis violations.

Viewing Duplicate Code Violations

If violations were detected by CDD (code duplicate detection) analysis rules, then you can view them in the Traces tab. Duplicate code may indicate poor application design, as well as increase maintenance costs. Click on a CDD violation in the Violations Explorer search results panel to open the violation path.

This panel shows the file name, line number, and path to each instance of the duplicated code. DTP also shows the sources containing the duplicate code in the sources panel.

You must have permissions to view the source code. See Permissions for additional information.

Click on entries in the Code Duplications Detected panel to view instances of the duplicated code.

You can perform normal violation remediation actions, such as setting a priority and assigning the violation to a developer. See Addressing Violations.


Click the Documentation tab to view the static analysis rule that the code violates. You cannot view the rule documentation for two or more violations.


Click the Details tab in the Actions panel to view current information about the location, owner, rule ID, and message associated with the selected violation.

The Violation ID field appears if a violation is selected in the search results table. The ID links directly to the violation and the selected filter. You can share this link so that others can directly access view the violation in DTP.

If the violation has been suppressed, the suppression information will also appear in the Details tab (also see Suppressing Violations).

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