To install the self-deployed License Server distribution:
- Extract the contents of the installation package to any location. The <LS_INSTALL>/app directory includes the JRE, Tomcat, and scripts for starting and stopping the server.
- Run the
script as an administrator to launch License Server. The application will run on the Tomcat server shipped in the installation package. - Open a browser and go to one of the following URLs to access the License Server interface:
- http://<HOST>:8080/licenseserver
- https://<HOST>:8443/licenseserver
- Log into License Server using the default username and password (admin/admin
. We recommend changing the default once you log in.
Installing a License Server Windows Service
In addition to installing the self-deployed License Server distribution as described above, you can also install a Windows Service for the License Server.
- Navigate to the <LS_INSTALL>/app directory created when you installed the self-deployed License Server distribution above.
- Run the
script as an administrator.
When run, the script will create an executable (ParasoftLicenseServerService.exe) in the <LS_INSTALL>/app directory for the Windows Services Manager to use, then configure a new Windows Service called ParasoftLicenseServerService
with the Services display name of "Parasoft License Server Service" and a Startup Type of "Automatic," then start the service.
To remove the service, run the uninstallLSService
script in the <LS_INSTALL>/app directory as an administrator.
Configuring Tomcat to Log User Information with Requests and Responses
If you are upgrading from License Server 2022.2 or earlier, you can configure Tomcat to log user information along with each request and response. This is necessary for some users to be in compliance with certain regulations. This is unnecessary for new installs of License Server 2023.1 or later.
To configure Tomcat to log this information from License Server, you need to modify the server.xml file located in the <LS_INSTALL>/app/tomcat/conf/ directory by changing the default access log valve entry from:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" prefix="localhost_access_log" suffix=".txt" pattern="%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b" />
<Valve className="com.parasoft.pst.core.tomcat.DTPAccessLogValve" prefix="localhost_access_log" suffix=".txt" pattern="%t %s %m %U %H %u %S %A:%{local}p %a:%{remote}p %F %{X-Forwarded-For}i %{User-Agent}i %{Referer}i %I" />
Standard Tomcat access log parameters are supported. See for more information.
These logs can be found in the localhost_access_log<DATE>.txt file located in the <LS_INSTALL>/app/tomcat/logs/