The Parasoft Coverage Agent Manager (CAM) is an interface for collecting coverage and test data during test execution on application under test (AUT). CAM is a component of the Parasoft Application Coverage functionality, which enables you to measure coverage using a wide range of testing techniques, including unit tests, automated functional tests, and manual tests. The coverage and test data collected using Parasoft Application Coverage functionality can be sent to Parasoft Development Testing Platform (DTP) where it’s merged, correlated, and displayed in the Coverage Explorer.

About to the Application Coverage Workflow

CAM is part of an Application Coverage infrastructure that includes the following steps and components. See the “Application Coverage” chapter in the Jtest or dotTEST DTP Engine documentation or the SOAtest documentation for full details. 

  1. The static coverage file is generated during the build process by the DTP Engine.
    The static coverage file leverages information about the code from source control to store metadata about user classes, methods, and lines. The static coverage file will be merged with the dynamic coverage data collected by the Coverage Agent.
  2. The Coverage Agent is attached to the application under test (AUT).
    The Coverage Agent monitors the code being executed as the AUT runs. The Coverage Agent ships with the Jtest and dotTEST DTP Engines, which attaches the agent to the AUT.
  3. CAM is used to mark the beginning and end of tests and test sessions while collecting coverage on the running AUT.
    CAM also exposes an API that can be used to integrate third-party tools or to execute a functional automation tool, such as Parasoft SOAtest.
  4. Download test results and the dynamic coverage data when a test session is finished and stopped in CAM.
    You can generate a report.xml file in CAM that contains test data and send the file to DTP. The report data can be visualized in a DTP dashboard widget and examined in the Test Explorer view.
    In order to view coverage information associated with the test results, the dynamic coverage data must be downloaded, merged with the static coverage file, and sent to DTP.
  5. Merge the dynamic and static coverage information and send it to DTP.
    The DTP Engine merges the dynamic coverage data and static coverage file into a coverage.xml. The engine also sends the coverage.xml file to DTP. If the coverage images, session tags, and build IDs associated with the coverage.xml file and report.xml file match, DTP can properly aggregate, associate, and display the data in a range of reporting mechanisms.
    The data can also be prioritized with Parasoft Process Intelligence Engine (PIE), which can trigger external workflows based on your development policy.
    The following diagram shows the Parasoft Application Coverage infrastructure.

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