The DTP Plugin for Eclipse ships with Parasoft Runner, an application for setting up the Eclipse workspace and executing static analysis. The jobs you want the runner to perform can be specified in a simple script and passed to the runner. You can use the runner to import, checkout, refresh, and build projects in an Eclipse workspace. Parasoft Runner currently only supports running static analysis.


  • Eclipse 4.2 or later
  • An Eclipse SCM plug-in, such as Subversive, Subclipse, CVS, EGit,  etc. (optional for checkout operation)


Parasoft Runner is a part of the DTP Plugin for Eclipse and does not require additional installation activities. If you installed the DTP Plugin from the integration directory shipped with the Jtest DTP Engine, an additional script will be installed in the Eclipse directory shipped with the DTP Engine for Java, an additional script will be installed in the Eclipse directory. The script, /jtestcli.bat wraps the command line arguments necessary for execution to simplify usage (see the Usage section below).


The following command shows how to start Parasoft Runner and how to use the supported arguments:

eclipsec -nosplash -application com.parasoft.xtest.runner.eclipse.ParasoftRunner -data {workspace_location} -script {file_path}
-settings {file_path} -config {test_configuration_url}

If you are executing analysis with the Jtest DTP Engine, you can run the or jtestcli.bat script added to the Eclipse directory upon installing the DTP Plugin instead of entering the command line arguments. 


All arguments that are supported by the jtestcli binary executable file from the main directory are also supported by the jtestcli script added to the Eclipse directory upon installation. 

Eclipse argument ensures that no splash screen displays when Eclipse starts.
Eclipse argument that points to the workspace location.
Optional Parasoft Runner argument that points to a script to run. You can use more than one -script arguments to execute several scripts. The order of the execution follows the order specified in the console. If a -script option is not specified, then Parasoft Runner will only perform analysis using the -run script command.

Optional Parasoft Runner argument that points to a properties file for running the DTP Engine (license preferences, DTP preferences, etc.).
Parasoft Runner uses a combination of settings from this file and the settings configured in the Parasoft> Preferences settings. Settings passed from the command line override the UI settings. If this option is not set, only the settings specified in the UI will be used.

Optional Parasoft Runner argument that specifies the test configuration to use during analysis (run script command). If this option is not set or present in the .properties file, then the active test configuration set in the UI will be used (see Setting the Active Test Configuration).


The Parasoft Runner uses a very simple scripting language to define the commands to execute. Commands are entered one per line. Whitespace at the beginning or end of the line is trimmed. Blank lines are ignored. Everything on a line following a # comment symbol is ignored. Commands consist of a command name and one or more arguments.

Substrings of the form ${key} (curly braces) are expanded as environment variables. Substrings of the form $(key) (parentheses) are recursively expanded as macros in arguments. Environment variables are resolved before macros.


var <name> <value>Defines a variable that will be used in the macro expansion.
co </path/to/file.psf>Checks out the projects specified in an Eclipse team project set file. Relative paths are resolved related to the current script file (important for included files).
build [project1 [project2 [...]]]Builds the projects specified in the argument. If an argument is not given, all projects in the workspace are built. If the first argument is a hyphen (-), all projects in the workspace except the ones listed are built. 
include </path/to/script>Points to a script file to run. Relative paths are resolved relative to the current script file (important for recursive include commands).
ant </path/to/build.xml> [target1 [target2 [...]]]Points to the target(s) in the specified ant build file to run. If a target or targets are not specified, the default target or targets are run. Relative paths are resolved relative to the current script file. The entire workspace is refreshed after the ant build file is run.
refreshPerforms an Eclipse refresh on the entire workspace.
import </path/to/projects/directory>Imports the existing Eclipse projects found in the specified directory. If the first argument is the string -R, then the directory will be traversed recursively in search of projects to import.

Performs the analysis run on the current workspace.


The following command will run static analysis on the Eclipse workspace located in <eclipse_workspace_dir_location>. The scope of analysis will be limited to file and a report will be created in the <report_dir> directory. Configuration and settings will be taken from  the UI configuration:

jtestcli.bat -data eclipse_workspace_dir_location -include **/Simple -reports report_dir

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