You may need to start DTP services after a new installation, migration, or upgrade.

Starting DTP Services on Windows

You can easily use the Windows Start menu to start and stop DTP services:

  1. Click Start and right-click Parasoft> DTP> Start DTP Server.
  2. Choose Run as administrator from the contextual menu. If your DTP distribution includes an embedded database server, the menu will also include an option for starting and stopping the database server.
  3. Press any key to proceed when prompted.

  4. Repeat the process to start Data Collector service and Parasoft Database service if your DTP distribution includes an embedded database server.

You can also use Windows Services to start and stop DTP services, as well as change startup from automatic to manual. See the documentation for your version of Windows for details.

Starting DTP Services on Linux/Solaris

  1. Navigate to $DTP_HOME/bin/ and run ./ to start the DTP console.
  2. Enter 1 to choose the DTP Server option from the main menu.
  3. Enter 1 to start the service.
  4. Enter q to return to the main menu.
  5. Enter 2 to choose the Data Collector option
  6. Enter 1 to start the service.
  7. Enter q to return to the main menu.
  8. If your installation includes an embedded database server, enter 4 to choose the Database configuration option.
  9. Enter 1 to start the service.
  10. Enter q after the service has started to return to the main menu.

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