You can create a test configuration for triggering code reviews that can be used across multiple Parasoft code analysis and test execution tools. In this section:

Separate Code Review Process for Each Language

If you want to maintain a separate code review process for each language (separate reporting, reviewer configurations, etc.), use separate Parasoft products for each language. For example, if you want to maintain separate processes for C and Java code reviews, use Jtest for Java code review and C++test for C code review.

This option is covered in the previous code review topics. 

Centralized Code Review Process for All Language

If you want to establish a centralized product-independent code review process for all language (e.g., with centralized reporting, reviewer configurations, etc.), create a Parasoft (product-independent) code review test configuration, then configure your language tool to use that test configuration; see the Configuration section for details.

This option is discussed below. 


Enabling Parasoft (Product-independent) Test Configurations

On all team installations of Parasoft tools that you want to configure or access the product-independent code review test configuration(s):

  1. In the top-level preferences page, enable Show Parasoft Test configurations.

  2. Restart the product.

Creating a Parasoft (Product-Independent) Test Configuration

You can then create and share a cross-product test configuration as follows:

  1. On a Parasoft product installation that is connected to Team Server, go to the Code Review category of test configurations.

  2. Configure the code review Test Configuration (see Configuring a Test Configuration for Pre-Commit Code Reviews or Configuring a Test Configuration for Post-Commit Code Reviews for details).
  3. Upload it to Team Server (see Deploying Test Configurations Across the Team for details).



To use this test configuration from the GUI:

  • Choose it from the Code Review category of test configurations.

Command Line

To use this test configuration from the command line:

  • Use the xtest prefix before the name of the Test Configuration. For example:
    -config " Review"
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