This this topic covers configuring SOAtest to use RMI.

SOAtest allows users to perform Remote Method Invocation as long as the following conditions apply:

  • The machine that is to invoke the RMI has all required interfaces as well as the necessary class files.
  • All required Jar files or class files are included in SOAtest’s classpath:
      1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences.
      2. Open the Parasoft> System Properties page.
      3. Click the Add JARS button and choose and select the necessary JAR files to be added, or click the Add Class Folder button and choose and select the folder where the class files are located.
  • The remote method returns a string (unless it is a one-way message).
      • If you are using RMI transport within a tool, the returned string is expected to be a SOAP message. There are no restrictions on the returned string for Messaging Client.
      • To specify a one-way message, make sure the check box for Get Response is unchecked within the RMI properties.
  • The remote interface consists of a method that takes one, and only one, string parameter (which will be the SOAP request).

Configuring SOAtest to Use RMI

To configure SOAtest to use RMI, complete the following:

  1. Complete the WSDL test creation wizard as normal (see Creating Tests From a WSDL for details).
  2. Double-click the node for the test that will be using RMI.
  3. In the right GUI panel, select the Transport tab and select RMI from the Transport drop-down menu.
  4. Configure the following options:
    • Host: Specifies the machine name or IP that hosts the RMI service.
    • Port: Specifies the port number for the RMI service.
    • Binding: Specifies the RMI service binding. Binding in this case is the RMI registry where an application has registered its remote object to. For example, a lookup registry may resemble the following:
      host = goldfish
      port = 1717
      binding/registry = Soatest
    • Remote Interface: Specifies the client-side remote interface (the remote interface should be included in the classpath).
    • Method Name: Specifies the method within the remote interface that invokes the RMI. Enter the name only (e.g. invokeSOAP). It is assumed that the method takes a String SOAP request and returns a String SOAP response.
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