The following table describes the switches available in dotTEST.

-solution PATHPath to the solution(s) to be analyzed. Specify multiple times to analyze many solutions. Supports ANT-style wildcards.
-project PATHPath to project(s) to be analyzed when the solution is not provided. Specify multiple times to analyze many projects. Supports ANT-style wildcards
-website DIRFull path to web site directory to be analyzed when the solution is not provided.
-config CONFIG_URLPath to test configuration. Can point to built-in, user-defined, or team configurations stored in DTP. Can reference by filename or by HTTP URL. See Configuring Test Configurations.
-resource RESOURCESolution path of a resource(s).The path corresponds to the path of an element in Solutions Explorer of Visual Studio. See Configuring the Test Scope.
-include PATHFile-system paths of files to include in the analysis. Supports ANT-style wildcards. If not specified, all files are analyzed. See Configuring the Test Scope.
-exclude PATHFile-system paths of files to exclude from the analysis. Supports ANT-style wildcards. See Configuring the Test Scope.
-report PATHPath to report directory or main report file. See Reviewing Results.
-publishPublishes report to DTP server. See Sending Results and Publishing Source Code to DTP.
-settings PATHPath to report directory or main report file. See Configuration Overview.
-nobuildDisables build of the tested solution or projects.
-solutionConfig CONFIGSolution configuration, e.g. Debug.
-projectConfig CONFIGProject configuration, e.g. Debug.
-targetPlatform PLATFORMSolution configuration target platform, e.g. Any CPU; or project configuration target platform, e.g. AnyCPU. Note the syntax difference.
-out PATHPath where console output is saved.
-help Displays command line help.
-versionPrints version
-listconfigsPrints all available test configurations.
-encodepass PASSWORDPrints an encoded password that can be used in the .properties configuration file.
-reference PATHPath to additional assemblies needed to resolve dependencies of the analyzed projects. Use this switch if you receive an "Unable to find reference assembly" message.
-runtimeCoverage PATHPath to the file that contains runtime coverage data
-staticCoverage PATHPath to the file that contains static coverage data
-machineIDPrints your machine ID.
-showsettingsPrints the current settings and customizations.
-failFails the command and returns a non-zero exit code if any findings are reported. 

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