This topic explains how you can preconfigure Virtualize during installation to streamline consistent installation across multiple team machines. This process applies to all supported platforms and IDEs.

Sections include:

Preconfiguring the Installation

To preconfigure Virtualize during installation:

  1. Create a localsettings file that includes the options you want to preconfigure the installation with. See Localsettings for details on available options.
  2. Pass that localsettings file to the installer using the /configure or --configure parameter.
    For example:

    • Windows: /configure=<path-to-localsettings-file>

    • Unix: --configure <path-to-localsettings-file>

The localsettings file will be copied into the root directory of Parasoft Test as parasofttest.ini. Settings from that file are used to initialize a clean workspace during startup.

If you want to apply settings to an existing workspace, you need to add an additional property to the localsettings file: enforce.configure=true. This overrides existing settings during the first startup after the installation/reinstallation.

Note that with the Windows installer:

  • If the same version (or a newer version) of Parasoft Test is installed on the machine, the localsettings file won't be copied during installation or reinstallation.
  • If the location passed in /ParasoftTestDir is different than the location of an existing Parasoft Test installation, the localsettings file won't be copied during reinstallation.

Windows Options

Run installer in silent mode. The wizard and the background window are not displayed.
/DIR=<location>Destination location for installed product's files.
EclipseDir=<location>Location of target platform.
/Configure=<localsettings file>Pre-configure product during installation step.
/ParasoftTestDir=<location>Destination location for Parasoft Test's files (Use this option if Parasoft Test is not already installed). 


See for additional options and help.

UNIX Options (for Linux, or Mac)


--install-dir <location>Destination location for installed product's files.
--configure <localsettings file>Pre-configure product during installation step.
--parasofttest-install-dir <location>Destination location for Parasoft Test's files.
--helpPrints the available command line options.
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