The Parasoft menu provides the following commands:

  • Test Using [Favorite Configuration]: Starts a test using the Test Configuration currently set as the Favorite Test Configuration.
  • Test History: Starts a test based on the selected Test Configuration. Only the most recently-run Test Configurations are listed here.
  • Test Using: Starts a test based on the selected Test Configuration. All available Test Configurations are listed here.
  • Test Configurations: Opens the Test Configuration dialog, which lets you view, modify, and create Test Configurations. See Configuring Test Configurations and Rules for Policies for details.

  • Launch RuleWizard: Opens RuleWizard, a tool for graphically or automatically creating custom static code analysis rules. See the Parasoft RuleWizard User’s Guide for details.
  • Explore> Team Server (deprecated): Opens the Team Server browser dialog, which allows you to access, configure, and update the Test Configurations, rules, rule mapping files, and reports available on Team Server. This command is deprecated.
  • Explore> Report Center Reports: Opens Parasoft DTP reports.
  • Import: Imports results into the IDE from DTP or an XML file. See Importing Results into the UI for details.
  • Show View: Opens GUI elements (such as the Quality Tasks view or Coverage view) which are not currently visible. See Views for details.
  • Preferences: Opens the Preferences dialog. See C++test Configuring Overview for details.
  • Wizards: For C++test Visual Studio only, provides access to wizards that help you perform C++test operations such as adding test suites, adding user-defined stubs, importing C++test 6.x test cases and stubs, etc.
  • Test suite: For C++test Visual Studio only,  allows you to add, remove, enable, and disable test cases.
  • Support: Provides several ways to contact the support team.
  • Help> C/C++test: Opens the current C/C++test Professional User’s Guide in the online help system.
  • Licenses> Deactivate | Activate License: Deactivates/activates a Parasoft network license. See Licensing for details.
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