In this section:


This artifact helps you demonstrate traceability between requirements stored in JIRA and test, static analysis, and build review data generated using Parasoft tools. It includes a widget and drill-down report that display test data correlated with existing JIRA requirements. In addition to configuring and deploying this artifact, you must also ensure that the test and analysis tools used in your project are properly configured and that tests executed with the tool are associated with the requirements. Requirements traceability must also be enabled in DTP. The overall process is described in more detail in 要件トレーサビリティの有効化. You should also consult the documentation for the Parasoft testing tool used in your project.


  • DTP Enterprise Pack 5.3.3.
  • Parasoft DTP 5.3.3.
  • At least one project set up in a JIRA.
  • At least one DTP filter configured to receive dynamic analysis details associated with one or more requirements from the system with the correct ID. The builds displayed in the filter must also contain static analysis data for the report to render properly (see ビルド管理の使用).

JIRA Limits Results to 1000 Items

By default, the search API for JIRA will return a maximum of up to 1000 issues. This is an intentional limitation set by Atlassian to avoid any possible OutOfMemory exceptions. See the following JIRA documentation for information on changing this limit:

Installing the Workflow

See アーティファクトのダウンロードとインストール. Import the JIRA Traceability Report workflow into your service(s) in order to use the widget.


The following configurations must be made to enabling requirements traceability.

Associating Tests with Requirements

You must associate tests with existing JIRA requirements to use the workflow. Test-to-requirement associations are made with the Parasoft code analysis and test execution tool you are using to verify and validate the requirements.

You can make the associations in the Parasoft tool UI by choosing @req as the association type and entering the JIRA requirement ID:

You can also correlate a unit test with a requirement by adding the @req tag and JIRA ID to a comment in the test class:

Example: Correlating a unit test with a requirement
* @req TEST-1
public void testSomthing(){
 . . .

See the documentation for your test and code analysis tool for details on how to associate tests with requirements.

Setting Build and Filter IDs

You must also ensure that the analysis tool used to execute tests and send data to DTP tags the data with the correct build and filter IDs. The IDs can be set locally in several ways:

Associating Requirements with Files in DTP

You must create a document that maps source files to requirement IDs and execute a script that ships with DTP to enable requirements traceability. This process is described in ファイルと要件の関連付け.

Verifying that Build ID Has Data

Builds used for this artifact must have test and static analysis data, otherwise the report will not be able to render the data properly. See ビルド管理の使用 for information about checking build IDs.

Flow Configuration

Double-click the Set JIRA URL node and specify the location of you JIRA server.

Double-click the Get JIRA Projects node and click the edit button for the JIRA REST API Configuration field.

Enter your JIRA credentials and click Update.

Reviewing Results

This artifact ships with two widget that drill down into a requirements traceability report:

Adding and Configuring the Widgets

See ウィジェットの追加 for instructions on adding the JIRA Requirements Traceability Widget. After deploying the artifact, the widget will appear in a separate JIRA category.

You can configure the following settings:

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
Target BuildYou can use the build specified in the dashboard settings, the latest build, or a specific build from the drop-down menu. Also see Configuring Dashboard Settings.
TypeJIRA Requirements - Pie widget only. Choose either a Tests, Violations, or Reviews from the drop-down menu to show a pie chart detailing the status by type. Add instances of the widget configured to each type for a complete overview in your dashboard.
JIRA ProjectChoose a project in JIRA from the drop-down menu.
JIRA QuerySpecify a JIRA search string to filter the data shown in the widget. By default, the widget searches for JIRA stories (requirements). Do not specify a project when entering your own search string. See the JIRA documentation for using JIRA Query Language (JQL).

JIRA Requirements Widget

The widget shows the number of requirements associated with the build and filter IDs.

Click on the widget to open the JIRA Requirement Traceability report.

JIRA Requirements - Pie Widget

Static analysis, unit testing, functional testing, and peer reviews are common activities for verifying that requirements have been properly and thoroughly implemented. This widget shows the overall status of the project requirements in the context of those software quality activities. You can add a widget for each type of quality activity (tests, static analysis violations, reviews) to monitor the progress of requirements implementation for the project.

Mouse over a section of the chart to view details about quality activity type status. Click on the widget to open the JIRA Requirement Traceability report filtered by that type. 

Requirements Implementation Status by Tests

Widget Showing Requirements Implementation Status in Terms of Tests

Requirements Implementation Status by Violations

Requirements Implementation by Reviews

Understanding the JIRA Requirement Traceability

The report lists the JIRA requirements and data associated with them. 

You can perform the following actions:

  • Click on a link in the Key column to view the JIRA Requirement Details report for the requirement.
  • Click on a link in the Summary column or one of the Test columns to view the test-related information associated with the requirement in the JIRA Requirement Details Report. 
  • Click on a link in one of the Files columns to view the static analysis-related information associated with the requirement in the JIRA Requirement Details Report.
  • Click on a link in one of the Reviews columns to view the change review-related information associated with the requirement in the JIRA Requirement Details Report. 

JIRA Requirements Traceability Report by Type

Clicking on the a section of the JIRA Requirements - Pie widget opens a version of the report that includes only the quality activity type selected in the widget. You can use the drop-down menus to switch type and status. 

Understanding the JIRA Requirement Details Report

The JIRA Requirement Details report provides additional information about the files and tests associated with the JIRA requirement. You can open this report by click on a requirement in the JIRA Requirement Traceability report.  

The first tab provides the file paths and test results. Click on a test name to view the test in the テスト エクスプローラー.

The second tab shows the static analysis violations associated with the files. Click on a link in the Violations column to view the violations in the 違反エクスプローラー

If the files include any change reviews or review findings, they will be shown in the third tab with links to view them in the 変更エクスプローラー.   

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