From the New Component Wizard

To create component instances using the new component wizard:
  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the Environment Editor (new instance): Click the menu in the upper-right corner and choose New Instance.
    • From the Environment Editor (cloned instance): Select the instance you want to clone, then click the menu in the upper-right menu and choose Clone Instance.
    • From a Component page: From the page-level menu, choose New Instance.
  1. At the top of the Components wizard page, specify a name and (optional) description for the component instance:

    This name will be used to identify the component instance. For instance, the following shows how a Web Service component with two instances (Virtual Normal and Virtual Errors) would be presented in the Environment diagram.

  2. If you want a provisioning action associated with this component instance, click Select a provisioning action, then specify the desired provisioning action (.pvn) file. Provisioning actions are defined in Parasoft Virtualize desktop. 
  3. If you want a virtual asset associated with this component instance, click Select a virtual asset, then specify the desired virtual asset (.pva) file. Virtual assets can be defined in CTP or in Parasoft Virtualize desktop.
    If there are multiple deployments of that virtual asset, select which one you want to configure. See Configuring Virtual Assets for details.

    Note that the Endpoints settings will be populated based on the settings in your .pva. Also note that if data groups or performance profiles are associated with the virtual asset, additional options will appear once that virtual asset is selected. Before proceeding, ensure that the options you want to apply to this component instance are selected. See Configuring Virtual Assets for details.

  4. (For real endpoints only) Specify the actual endpoint for your real endpoint. Note that the HTTP, JMS, or MQ settings here are the same as in the Virtualize UI. See Configuring Real Endpoints for details.
  5. In the Proxies area, specify which (if any) message proxy and/or JDBC controller you want to be associated with this component instance. For more information, see Configuring Message Proxies and Configuring JDBC Controllers.
  6. If you want test scenarios executed to check the health of this component, click the Health Checks tab then Add Test Scenarios. For more information, see Using Tests as Custom Health Checks.
  7. If you want to review and adjust variable settings, click the Variables tab, then make any desired modifications.
    • This variable mapping table lists all variables associated with this component instance, including any variables previously associated with this component and any variables that will be added to represent SOAtest .tst environment variables (as set in the Test Scenarios wizard page). For details, see Working with Variables.
    • If you want to change a variable value, enable Override and specify the new value in the text field.
  8. If you want to connect this component instance to a coverage agent, click the Coverage tab and enter the coverage agent URL. For more information, see Connecting CTP to Coverage Agents.
  9. Click Finish.

From the Manage Instances Page

The following is the general process for creating component instances from the Manage Instances page (described in Managing Component Instances):
  1. From the Manage Instances page, click the New Instance or Clone Instance icon (if it is not visible, click Show details or Expand all).
  2. At the top of the Instance editor, specify a name and (optional) description for the component instance. This name will be used to identify the component instance. 

    For instance, the following shows how a Web Service component with two instances (Virtual Normal and Virtual Errors) would be presented in the Environment editor.

  3. In the Variables area, review and adjust variable settings as needed. 

    This variable mapping table lists all variables associated with this component instance, including any variables previously associated with this component and any variables that will be added to represent SOAtest .tst environment variables. For details, see Managing Variables.

  4. If you want a provisioning action associated with this component instance, click Select a provisioning action, then specify the desired provisioning action (.pvn) file. Provisioning actions are defined in Parasoft Virtualize desktop. 
  5. If you want a virtual asset associated with this component instance, click Select a virtual asset, then specify the desired virtual asset (.pva) file.  Virtual assets can be defined in CTP or in Parasoft Virtualize desktop.

    If there are multiple deployments of that virtual asset, select which one you want to configure. For more information, see Configuring Virtual Assets.

    Note that the Endpoints settings will be populated based on the settings in your .pva. Also note that if data groups or performance profiles are associated with the virtual asset, additional options will display once that virtual asset is selected. Before proceeding, ensure that the options you want to apply to this component instance are selected. See Configuring Virtual Assets for details.

  6. (For real endpoints only) Specify the actual endpoint for your real endpoint. Note that the HTTP, JMS, or MQ settings here are the same as in the Virtualize UI. For more information, see Configuring Real Endpoints.

  7. In the Proxy area, specify which (if any) message proxy and/or JDBC controller you want to be associated with this component instance. For details, see Configuring Message Proxies and Configuring JDBC Controllers.
  8. In the Coverage area, specify the coverage agent URL you want to connect to this component instance (if any). Click Test Connection to test the connection to the coverage agent. For more information, see Connecting CTP to Coverage Agents.
  9. In the Health Checks area, specify which (if any) test scenarios you want executed to check the health of this component. For more information, see Using Tests as Custom Health Checks.

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