You can perform analysis and testing by executing the Jtest tasks for Gradle for the main project directory. It is not necessary to build the tested project prior to analysis unless you test a multi-module project. We recommend compiling multi-module projects before running analysis by adding the build
or assemble
task to your command line. Doing so enables Jtest to use artifacts from the local repository, reducing the amount of time necessary to test and analyze code.
In addition, if your project is multi-module, you must execute the tasks for the root project. As a result, Jtest will test or analyze all the subprojects. To test selected subprojects, run the Jtest tasks (jtest
, jtest-agent
, or affectedTests
) for the root project and the Gradle test
task for individual subprojects, see Collecting Coverage for Unit Tests for details.
To perform static analysis on your code:
Execute the jtest task. Your command line may resemble the following:
gradle jtest -I PATH/TO/JTEST/integration/gradle/init.gradle |
The Jtest Plugin for Gradle will collect the necessary build data in the .json file, and analyze your code depending on the test configuration you provided.
By default, test sources are excluded from analysis. To analyze test code, disable the
option; see Jtest Goals Reference for Gradle.
You can include unit test results in the Jtest report by running your tests with the jtest and jtest-agent tasks, and the dedicated Unit Tests
built-in test configuration:
Execute Gradle tasks in the following order:
- the jtest-agent task
- the test
(or build
) task to ensure that unit tests are executed
- the jtest task
Your command line may resemble the following:
gradle clean jtest-agent test jtest -Djtest.config="builtin://Unit Tests" |
By default, Jtest collects coverage data for executed tests. To disable collecting coverage, enable the jtest.coverage.skip
option (see Jtest Tasks Reference for Gradle for details).
It you're testing a multi-module project, Jtest, by default, collects coverage information for all subprojects of the root project. To collect coverage for selected subprojects, modify your command line to execute the Gradle test
task for the subprojects you want to test. Your command line may resemble the following:
gradle clean jtest-agent subproject1:test subproject2:test jtest -Djtest.config="builtin://Unit Tests" |
If you skip a test by calling a method from the org.junit.Assume (JUnit 4) or org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions (JUnit 5) class, Jtest collects coverage for code lines executed before the method is called. This coverage information is not associated with any test in the coverage report.
Jtest's coverage agent allows you to collect coverage data during manual or automated tests performed on a running application. See Application Coverage for information about collecting application coverage with Jtest.
You can extend the capabilities of the Jtest Plugin for Gradle with test impact analysis. It allows you to you to identify and re-run only the tests that are affected by your changes, eliminating the time and effort required to execute a large number of unaffected tests. To perform test impact analysis of your project, you need to:
task.You don't need to modify the Gradle build script.
Test impact analysis may require additional memory. We recommend increasing the memory allocated to the Gradle build.
If you perform test impact analysis multiple times in same local environment, add the
option to your command line.
The init.gradle
script shipped with Jtest allows you to integrate the test impact analysis plugin with Gradle – without having to modify your Gradle build script. To integrate Gradle with the plugin, pass the location of the the init.gradle
script with the -I
option to your command line:
gradle affectedTests test -I PATH/TO/JTEST/integration/gradle/init.gradle |
You can customize test impact analysis of your project in the build file or in the command line by configuring the properties of the test impact analysis plugin. At minimum, you must provide the paths to the following files that are generated by Jtest during execution:
See Jtest Tasks Reference for Gradle for the complete list of available options.
Specify the properties when declaring a configuration in the build script:
affectedTests { coverageFile = 'path/to/coverage.xml' testFile = 'path/to/report.xml' runFailingTests = false runModifiedTests = true jtestHome = 'path/to/jtest' settingsFiles = ['path/to/', 'path/to/'] } |
If you configure the plugin in the command line, pass the plugin properties with the -D
switch. The properties must include the "parasoft" or "jtest" prefix (see Jtest Tasks Reference for Gradle). Your command line may resemble the following:
gradle affectedTests test -I PATH/TO/JTEST/integration/gradle/init.gradle -Dparasoft.coverage.file="path/to/coverage.xml" -Dparasoft.test.file="path/to/report.xml" -Dparasoft.runFailingTests=false -Dparasoft.runModifiedTests=true -Djtest.home="path/to/jtest" -Djtest.settings="," |
TaskYou can execute the affectedTests
task from the command line without any further configuration. Ensure it is executed before the test
task. Your command line may resemble the following:
gradle clean affectedTests test -I PATH/TO/JTEST/integration/gradle/init.gradle |
Alternatively, you can:
Configure execution the task in the build.gradle
test.dependsOn affectedTests |
Execute the the Gradle test
task – the affectedTests
task will be executed automatically:
gradle test -I PATH/TO/JTEST/integration/gradle/init.gradle |
If you want to run the affectedTests
task for selected subprojects of a multi-module project, modify your command line to only execute the Gradle test
task for the subprojects you want to test. Your command line may resemble the following:
gradle clean affectedTests subproject1:test subproject2:test -Dparasoft.coverage.file=cbt/coverage.xml -Dparasoft.test.file=cbt/report.xml --no-daemon -I path_jtest\integration\gradle\init.gradle |
Gradle's limitation in handling nested tests affects how test impact analysis re-runs tests that are nested in another test. As a result, if the This Gradle issue has been reproduced with Gradle 6.0.1 and earlier. |