This topic explains how to build and use the C/C++test runtime library.
Runtime libraries must be built with a cross compiler in order to use C++test for testing on a platform other than the host (the environment where C++test is installed). If you plan on running testing only on the host, you do not need to build the C/C++test runtime library (because C++test is shipped with prebuilt libraries for host-based testing).
C/C++test can build the runtime library automatically as a part of the test-executable preparation phase. Manual preparation of the C++test runtime library is not required unless you want to prepare a custom build of the C++test runtime library.
Sections include:
Throughout this topic, helper keywords are used to represent complete paths:
The C/C++test runtime library is distributed with the C++test installation in the form of C source and header files. The source for the runtime library is located in the directories referenced in the above box
In most cases, you can let C/C++test automatically build the runtime library. If desired, you can build the runtime library using the make utility and one of the pre-configured make configurations for the supported platforms (see Building the C++test Runtime Library with 'make'). C++test provides special project files that facilitate runtime library building for popular IDEs.
Please note that a discrete version of a runtime library needs to be built for every target. Thus, if your project is built for more than one architecture, then most likely you'll need to build more than one version of the C/C++test runtime library (one for each architecture).
The runtime library sources include configuration macros for all officially-supported embedded platforms, as well as lower-level function-based configurations. These macros need to be correctly set for a build configuration in the IDE.
The following steps describe that general approach:
file to Project Properties> C/C++test> Build Options> Linker OptionUse an absolute path, or use ${workspace_loc} and ${project_loc} variables if the runtime library is in the same workspace..
C/C++test’s instrumentation references many symbols that must be resolved during the linking of the test object. Those symbols are provided in the C/C++test runtime library.
C/C++test ships with a prebuilt, full-featured runtime shared library. However, this runtime is designed for rich host platforms. Considering the multitude of embedded platforms on which testing may occur, as well as their capabilities and limitations, the runtime typically needs to be adjusted before being built for different embedded environments. That’s why the runtime library's pure-C sources are also available.
The library can be configured to support features that are available on the target platform, or to block those that are not. The default configuration is full-featured, but you might need to block troublesome features—especially if you experience compile-time or runtime crashes. Embedded developers are familiar with the pros and cons of the platform(s) they use, and should be able to build an appropriately configured library and append its path to the linker command line.
The runtime library's sources are available at <C/C++test_runtime_sources>. The header files needed to build the runtime library are located in <C/C++test_includes>.
Never modify the files in <C++test Install Dir>. Instead, copy the sources into a different directory before modifying them. Then, specify this new path in the Runtime library source option in the C++test Project Options Panel (see Specifying Options in the C/C++test Project or File Options Panel for details). The Automated Runtime Library Building feature will use this directory to build the library as described in Building the C++test Runtime Library. |
The C/C++test runtime distribution consists of the following subdirectories or files placed in the
<C/C++test_runtime_sources> directory:
The C source code is divided into parts, represented by the following subdirectories or files:
In the target directory, there are multiple target configurations available for various platforms, architectures, and compilers. The target configuration defines variables used by the Makefile to compile the runtime source files (for example, CC, CFLAGS, etc.) and variables such as LIBTOOL, LIBTOOL_FLAGS, etc. that the Makefile uses to create a runtime library from compiled sources (see Building the C++test Runtime Library with 'make').
C/C++test can build the testing runtime automatically as a part of the test-executable preparation phase. This approach is recommended. In most cases, manual preparation of the C++test runtime library is not required.
In some cases, you may want to prepare a custom build of the C++test runtime library. You can build the C/C++test runtime library using the Makefilein the <C/C++test_runtime_sources> directory. You can also use one of the provided preconfigured IDE projects to build the runtime library; these are available in <C/C++test_runtime_root>/projects
. Optionally, you can create an IDE project on your own.
Building the runtime library involves selecting the communication channel, then running the IDE builder or Make in the directory containing the Makefile. You may also need to change the compiler and platform-specific configuration if the default one causes problems or if there is no default configuration for your compiler and target platform (see Configuring the C++test Runtime Library).
The following test execution step should be used for automated building of the C/C++test runtime:
<BuildRuntimeLibStep additionalFlags="<build options>" /> |
This execution step will compile all source files found in the C++test Runtime library source location using the environment (compiler executable, build options) of the tested project. The compiled objects will then be linked into a test executable. The additionalFlags
attribute is optional and can be used to specify additional build options.
Before C/C++test builds the unit testing runtime automatically (as a part of the test execution flow), ensure that the C++test runtime library is removed from the Build Settings> Linker options. |
The first step in manually building the runtime library is to choose one of the communication channel implementations that will be used by the runtime. The following communication channel implementations are in the C/C++test runtime distribution:
You can select a communication channel implementations by adding the appropriate CHANNEL_TYPE parameter to the 'make' command line:
Or, if you use your IDE instead of a make tool, you can add one of the following defines to the compiler options
Calling the make
command in the directory containing the Makefile will compile the runtime sources with the gcc compiler and will create the C/C++test runtime library using the ar library tool. To change the compiler and library tool, you need to specify the target configuration at the Make command line. For example:
make |
The following configurations are available in the C/C++test runtime distribution (in <C++test_runtime_sources>/target/ directory):
The target configuration provides definitions for the following variables that are used when building the C/C++test runtime library:
Name | Default | Description |
CC | gcc | Compiler executable used to compile C/C++test runtime sources. |
CFLAGS | Flags used during compilation. | |
CC_OUT_DIR_FLAG | Flag used with a directory for storing compilation products: $(CC_OUT_DIR_FLAG)"<output-dir>" | |
CC_OUT_FLAG | -o | Flag used with output file name. The $(CC_OUT_FLAG)"<output-file-name>" is added to the compiler command line. |
OBJ_EXT | o | Object file extension used when creating an output filename |
LIBTOOL | ar | Executable that is able to create a library from compiled sources. |
LIBTOOL_FLAGS | -ruv | Flags used with lib tool when creating a C/C++test runtime library |
LIBTOOL_OUT_FLAG | Flag used with the output filename. The $(LIBTOOL_OUT_FLAG)"<output-file-name>" is added to the lib tool command line. | |
LIB_PREFIX | lib | These variables are used when creating a C++test runtime library name: $(LIB_PREFIX)$(LIB_NAME).$(LIB_EXT) |
LIB_NAME | cpptestruntime | |
LIB_EXT | a |
The LD, LDFLAGS, LD_OUT_FLAG and OUT_EXT are also defined by available configurations, but they are not required to build the C/C++test runtime library. They are only used to build a simple test executable when the test
target from Makefile is called.
To create your own target configuration, make a copy of an existing one that best describes your target, then modify it as needed. To build the C/C++test runtime library with your new target configuration, add the TARGET_DIR parameter to the 'make' command line:
make TARGET_DIR=<directory with my target configuration> |
You can also change the directory in which the runtime library is created (by default, it is set to ./build directory). To change this, add the OUT_DIR parameter to the Make command line. For example:
make OUT_DIR=<output directory for your C/C++test runtime library> ... |
You can perform the build in the location where C/C++test is installed, or you can copy the C/C++test runtime source files and build them in a different location. In such cases, remember to adjust the path to C++test includes (which are stored in <C/C++test_includes>). To do this, modify the value of the CPPTEST_INC_DIR variable inside the make file to an absolute path. For example:
To build a custom Runtime Library with multi-thread support, add "-DCPPTEST_THREADS_ENABLED=1" to the compiler command line. |
Because different target platforms have different limitations, the C/C++test runtime library is designed to be easily configured to suit different environments. The C/C++test runtime library can be configured—mainly with the help of the available macro definitions. If your target has some non-standard limitations, it may also be necessary to make some additional changes to the runtime source code.
Include files used for building the runtime library (located in <C/C++test_includes>) are also included by the generated test harness (test source files automatically generated by C/C++test). If you need to modify these files, be extremely careful. Even a small mistake could cause the test harness compilation to fail. It is typically safe to introduce target-specific changes using the preprocessor conditional instructions (#ifdef...#endif). |
The available compiler configurations are placed in the <C/C++test_includes>/config/
directory. There is also a cpptest_portinfo.h
header file in the C/C++test include directory that determines which compiler configuration should be used when building the C/C++test runtime library. A compiler configuration header file defines a set of macros that adapt the runtime to the target platform. It also may define the macros that disable some C/C++test features that cannot be supported on the target platform. The full list of features that can be disabled can be found in the cpptest_features.h
header file.
In most cases, if you need to change the value of some configuration macros, you don’t need to modify or create a new configuration file. You can add to the CFLAGS variable in your target configuration file (or to the compiler options, if you use the IDE for building the runtime) the proper -D options that set the value of the given macros to the required values.
The available common configuration defines are listed in the following table (note that the specified defaults depend on the specific compiler and target environment):
Name | Details |
CPPTEST_EXPORT, CPPTEST_IMPORT | When building DLLs for Windows platform, these are expanded to __declspec(dllexport), __declspec(dllimport), Microsoft-specific extensions for importing/exporting functions and data to and from a DLL. |
CDECL_CALL | When building with a Microsoft compiler, this is expanded to __cdecl Microsoft-specific extensions for calling convention. |
CPPTEST_WCHAR_ENABLED | If defined as 1, then the runtime library will be built with support for wchar types. When defined as 0, the C++test runtime library will be built without support for wchar types. |
CPPTEST_SETJMP_ENABLED | If defined as 1, signal handling routines are used to recover if an exception is thrown during test case execution. In this case, C++test logs the exception and tries to continue test cases execution. |
CPPTEST_USE_ANSI_SETJMP | If defined as 1, then the following functions are used for signals handling: longjmp , setjmp. If 0, then siglongjmp and sigsetjmp are used. And analogically with data types: sigjmp_buf versus jmp_buf. Note that you need to have CPPTEST_SETJMP_ENABLED set to 1 for CPPTEST_USE_ANSI_SETJMP to take effect. |
CPPTEST_USE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_CHECKING | If defined as 1, then the uncaught_exception function is used for uncaught exception handling. |
CPPTEST_USE_STD_NS | Define to 0 when C/C++test should not use the std namespace or when your compiler doesn't support namespaces. |
CPPTEST_TIME_MODE | This macro controls which functions are used for time measuring. The list of allowed values is available in the cpptest_time.h header file. |
The available feature configuration defines are listed in the following table:
Name | Details |
CPPTEST_C_STREAMS_REDIRECT_ENABLED | If defined to 1, the c streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) redirection is enabled. |
CPPTEST_CPP_STREAMS_REDIRECT_ENABLED | If defined to 1, the cpp streams redirection is enabled |
CPPTEST_USE_WSTREAMS | If defined to 1, the wcin, wcout, wcerr, wclog are used instead cin, cout, cerr and clog. Note that you need to have CPPTEST_CPP_STREAMS_REDIRECT_ENABL ED set to 1 for CPPTEST_USE_WSTREAMS to take effect. |
CPPTEST_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED | If defined to 1, the exception handling is enabled. |
CPPTEST_SPECIAL_STD_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLING_ENABLED | If defined to 1, the std::exception is handled separately from other exceptions. Note that you need to have CPPTEST_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED set to 1 for CPPTEST_SPECIAL_STD_EXCEPTIONS_HAN DLING_ENABLED to take effect. |
CPPTEST_DATA_SOURCES_ENABLED | If defined to 1, the data sources are enabled. |
CPPTEST_CSV_DATA_SOURCE_ENABLED | If defined to 1, the csv data sources are enabled. |
CPPTEST_USE_SETUP_FOR_C_SUITES | If defined to 1, the setUp and tearDown functions are allowed for c suites. |
CPPTEST_THREADS_ENABLED | If defined to 1, the support for threads is enabled. |
This section covers:
The file communication channel utilizes standard file I/O operations to save test results. There are two data streams: one for testing results and one for coverage results. The implementation contains three variants:
In the first mode (CppTestTransportFile.c), each data packet produced during testing is immediately saved to a file. In this mode, it is up to the operating system to decide when the actual physical write will be performed.
The second mode (CppTestTransportFileSplit.c) is similar to the first mode in that it also uses plain file I/O writes. But in CppTestTransportFileSplit.c mode, data packets are saved to a series of files. The maximum size for each file is configured by setting a value using the CPPTEST_MAX_ALLOWED_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_PER_FILE macro. The default is size is 2000000000 bytes (2 GB). The files produced are named sequentially, for example: 'cpptest_results.clog', 'cpptest_results.clog.0001', 'cpptest_results.clog.0002'. See the descriptions of the ReadDynamicCoverageStep and ReadTestLogStep Test Execution Flow Steps for information about loading the generated result files into C++test.
In the third mode (CppTestTransportFileBuffered.c), the intermediate memory buffer is introduced to reduce the frequency of writing small data packets. This mode should be used for environments in which performing multiple writes of small data chunks is more expensive than writing a combined, larger portion of data. You can determine the size of the intermediate buffer by using the FILE_COMMUNICATION_BUFFER_SIZE define. The larger your buffer size, the less frequently write operations will occur.
The socket communication channel utilizes TCP/IP sockets to save test results. There are two sockets opened: one for sending test results and one for sending coverage results. There are two available implementations are:
Data emitted from the target via the TCP/IP sockets should be captured with the help of a socket listener. The listener is a simple utility program shipped with C/C++test. It is located in <C/C++test_runtime_root>/listeners/socket_listener, and it accepts the following parameters:
Name | Details |
-cl, --channel port_number@log_file | Communication channel specification. Information about the port number to listen for results and the file to save data captured on this port. |
-sf, --sync_file filename | The path to the file that will be used for synchronization. The listener will use this path to create the two "synchronization files":
-to, --timeout timeout (in seconds) | Timeout to wait for results. If this is exceeded, the program will stop. |
--help | Displays the help information. |
The serial communication module is designed to handle testing results transport for devices where only serial communication is available. The implementation of this communication consists of two parts:
There are two communication modes available:
Data sent via serial link is partitioned into packages. The packages are represented as shown below. Here is a frame example for "raw" mode:
Here is a frame example for "safe" mode:
Here is a description of the symbols used:
Symbol | Description |
STX (0x02) | Start of text |
ETX (0x03) | End of text |
EOT (0x04) | End of transmission |
ENQ (0x05) | Enquiry |
ACK (0x06) | Affirmative acknowledgement |
NAK (0x15) | Negative acknowledgment |
In "safe" mode, the checksum is computed with exclusive-or. For "raw" mode, the checksum is not computed and zero value is sent for all frames.
The default maximum amount of data is set to 250 bytes. This value can be changed using the MAX_PACKET_SIZE macro.
In "safe mode", the client sends the ENQ to enquire about availability. It cannot start the transmission until it receives the ACK. After the client receives the ACK, it sends another frame. Every frame is confirmed with an ACK by the host machine. At the end, the client sends the EOT. In response, the host sends an ACK to complete the transmission. The checksum is calculated only in safe mode. In the normal mode, it is always 0.
In "raw" mode the transmission is one way only. The target platform emits data without waiting for an ACK at any data sending stage.
The following steps need to be accomplished in order to add another implementation of serial communication:
Add a new file in the <C/C++test_runtime_root>/src/transport directory with the implementation of the custom serial communication. Follow this template:
#define CPPTEST_RUNTIME_IMPLEMENTATION #include "cpptest_portinfo.h" #ifdef CPPTEST_USE_RS232_MYPLATFORM_COMMUNICATION #include "CppTestTransportRS232Common.h" int localRsInitInternalSerial(CppTestStreamParameters *par) { return RS_OK; } int localRsUninitInternalSerial(CppTestStreamParameters *par) { return RS_OK; } int localRsSendInternalByte(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char byte, unsigned char *is_send) { return RS_OK; } int localRsSendInternalStr(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char *bytes, int *nBytes) { return RS_OK; } int localRsRecvInternalByte(CppTestStreamParameters *par, unsigned char *pByte, unsigned char *is_recv) { return RS_OK; } int localFlushInternalRS(CppTestStreamParameters *par) { return RS_OK; } void localSetStop(int *stop_bit, int result) { } void localSetParity(int *parity, char *result) { } void localRsSleep(unsigned int msec) { } #endif |
Struct CppTestStreamParameters: typedef struct { char serial_device[16]; Device name (COM1, /dev/ttyS0, cua0 etc). Depend on platform int baud_rate; Device speed int byte_size; Byte size int parity; Parity int stop_bit; Stop bit int timeout; Timeout between two operations. long max_timeout; If exceeded tranmision broken. } CppTestStreamParameters; |
To integrate a new implementation with the runtime library:
subdirectory, insert a new file named
In the include/cpptest_portinfo.h
file, replace:
to the compiler flags in the C++test project.<BuildRuntimeLibStep
" />Data emitted from the target via the serial link should be captured with the help of a serial port listener. The listener is a simple utility program shipped with C/c++test. It is located in <C/C++test_runtime_root>/listeners/rs232_listener, and it accepts the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-d (--device) COM,SPEED,PARIT Y,STOP,BYTE_SIZE. | Used device. e.g. -d 1,19200,N,1,8 . We use the COM1 port, at a rate of 19200, no parity, one stop bit and 8 byte size. |
-sf (--syncfile) <sync file> | Filename to synchronize |
-cn (--channel) number<mode>@<fil e path> | Communication channel. C++test uses two channel -test log and coverage log. The mode can be 'b' for binary or 't' for text (default) |
-to (--timeout) <timeout in second> | Time to wait for results. If this is exceeded, the program stops. |
-fi <file_name> | File mode. Reads results from a binary file. All RS232 settings will be ignored. |
-rm (--rawmode) | Raw mode (no ACK and checksum). This option is required if transport was used in non safe mode. |
-v (--verbose) | Verbose mode. |
Depending on the run mode (safe or raw), the listener may or may not compute the transmission check sum and send the ACK.
All data passed to the runtime library during test or application execution are processed, interpreted, and passed to the communication stream only if the runtime library is correctly initialized. If the runtime library is not initialized or has been finalized, then data such as coverage, unit test messages, asserts and runtime violations will be ignored.
The runtime library is initialized during the first call of the CppTest_InitializeRuntime() function, which initializes runtime library modules and opens a communication channel for messages and coverage data. The CppTest_InitializeRuntime() function is called as soon as possible by default. In projects that contain C++ code, this call is made before constructors for global objects are called. In C projects, this function is called at the beginning of the main() function. The runtime library is finalized during the first call to the CppTest_FinalizeRuntime() function, which finalizes runtime library modules and closes the communication channel. This function is called automatically after global objects destructors are called. In C projects, it is called before exiting from the main() function.
There are two special functions that you can implement to contribute custom initialization and finalization code to the test harness execution:
This function is called at the beginning of the CppTest_InitializeRuntime function, even before C/C++test runtime library modules are initialized.
This function is called at the end of CppTest_FinalizeRuntime after the test results communication channel is closed.
These functions are typically used if your project requires early initialization code to be executed, such as hardware-specific initialization code (e.g. disabling the watchdog timer) or any other type of initialization that is expected to happen very early in the execution sequence. Analogously for finalization code
When running unit tests, the initialization code existing in your original project will be omitted from execution because the original application entry point (typically the main function) is replaced by C/C++test with an automatically generated test harness entry point. This is why the initialization/finalization code may need to be hooked via the CppTest_Initialize/Finalize function. In Application Memory Monitoring mode, by contrast, there is usually no need to provide hardware initialization code in form of a C/C++test-specific function. This is because the original initialization code should be called for this purpose, because C/C++test does not replace the application entry point in Application Monitoring mode. However, if you do need to perform a C/C++test-specific initialization/finalization in Application Monitoring mode, the CppTest_Initialize/Finalize functions can be used the same way. |
CppTest_Initialize and CppTest_Finalize functions can be added directly to your project. You can also place them in a source file that does not belong to your project. The source file must be placed in a dedicated directory that is not a part of your original project and matches one of the locations specified in your test configuration:
When a definition of this function(s) is provided, C/C++test will detect it during test preparation and generate a call to it at an early stage of the test executable startup.
C++test ships with a dedicated wizard for automating the installation of CppTest_Initialize and CppTest_Finalize function skeletons. If preferred, users can still manually add these functions.
To access the "Runtime - Custom initialization & finalization" wizard:
Applying the settings generates a source file in the specified location. The new file will contain the following empty definitions:
You can then extend these functions with your custom initialization and finalization code.
The following external symbols are used by the C/C++test runtime library: